Fact 2: russian aggression aimed at destroying ukraine as an independent state ... Illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of ...
16.12.2021 · Kyiv, Ukraine – According to Washington, Russia has amassed more than 100,000 Russian soldiers on the border with Ukraine and in annexed Crimea in recent weeks. This has stoked fears in Kyiv and ...
28.12.2021 · For Russian President Vladimir Putin, history requires that Russia invade and control Ukraine. Putin perceives Ukraine as a vital buffer for Russian security. Twice in the last two centuries, invaders from Europe have ravaged Russia. In 1812, Napoleon led some 500,000 soldiers into Russia, defeating ...
02.04.2021 · Explainer: Why Are Tensions Between Russia and Ukraine Ratcheting Up? Warnings and statements coming from Moscow, Kiev and Washington are the most serious and strongly worded in months.
Answer (1 of 211): Russian propaganda machine spins Maidan as an Orange Revolution engineered by the CIA and led by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, thus invalidating all the events that happened after the Ukrainian president and Kremlin’s puppet Viktor Yanukovich fled to Russia in 2014.
07.12.2021 · Why does Russia want to invade Ukraine? Background to tensions explained and what’s happening on the border The US and the West warn against invasion as Russia’s military masses at Ukraine’s ...
03.03.2014 · The Real Reason Russia Invaded Ukraine There have been a lot of explanations offered for why Russia has invaded Ukraine. But the true reason might be much simpler than many analysts have assumed.
07.12.2021 · Why Russia is trying to invade Ukraine — and how Biden could stop Putin before it's too late. The key will be the American president projecting NATO strength.
16.12.2021 · Why Is Russia Threatening to Invade Ukraine? For Putin, the current standoff is a chance to overturn what he sees as an unjust post-Cold War order—and create a new one in its wake. By Joshua Yaffa
07.12.2021 · Ukraine has complained that Moscow has kept over 90,000 troops not far from the two countries’ border following massive war games in western Russia in the fall. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry ...
14.04.2021 · RUSSIA and the Ukraine have remained technically at war since 2014. Ukraine was aligned with Russia as part of the Soviet Union until its collapse in 1991, following which it became an independent …