If I run wifi-menu a second time it doesn't ask for a password, but when finished it finally gives some debug hints: Job for netctl@wlp0s29f7u5\x2dBTHub4\x2dGRK6.service failed. See 'systemctl status netctl@wlp0s29f7u5\x2dBTHub4\x2dGRK6.service' and 'journalctl …
27.11.2020 · This quick guide explains the steps you need to set up and connect to WiFi using terminal in Arch Linux and other distros. This guide is ideal for those scenarios where you are stuck with a terminal without any GUI and no other wired internet connectivity is available. These steps help you to manually detect the wireless card, device and connect to the WiFi hotspot …
However when I try to start the wifi-menu after the installation I'm prompted about the Dialog package. Of course I can't install it without internet connection (I can't even use pacman -Sy). ... Arch Linux legacy installation generating grub configuration file doesn't detect linux image. 0.
2 Answers · Is Network Manager installed? You install it during the installation of Arch Linux. · Enable the Network Manager. systemctl enable NetworkManager.
03.07.2020 · Re: [SOLVED]wifi-menu not embedded in the arch installation iso ? Everything is as it should be. archlinux-2020.07.01-x86_64.iso doesn't have netctl (and thus wifi-menu) anymore. To connect to wireless networks you can use iwd. The Installation guide has been updated accordingly. Offline.
The Easy Way – Wifi-menu · 1. Run the command: wifi-menu · 2. Select your Network. wifi-menu to setup wifi in arch · 3. Type the correct password and wait. wifi- ...
I really like wifi-menu, the command line wizard for setting up profiles for wireless interfaces on Arch Linux. It's very convenient and easy to use. I can't find the same software in Debian
Or you are just unable to connect to the repos. In the case of the former, you should attempt to run wifi-menu in Xterm. If you aren't able to connect to the repos, then it means that your repositories in the file /etc/pacman.conf are commented out. Make sure that you have core and community, and mutlilib (for 64) not commented out.
06.12.2019 · ArchLinux wifi-menu - Linux - Diolinux Plus. NooFace Dezembro 6, 2019, 2:06am #1. Estava assistindo o video de instalação do Arch Linux, dai o Dionatan disse que instando o dialog, wpa_supplicant e alguns outros pacotes… o “wifi-menu” funcionaria. Porém, reiniciei e caí na tela preta, sem internet, vou digitar o wifi-menu e o bash diz ...
Wifi-menu is part of the netctl package, which comes with the Arch installation iso, but isn't part of what is actually installed with Arch by default. Boot up your Arch thumbdrive or disk, then connect to the internet again, then mount whatever partition has your root filesystem, chroot in, and then use pacman -S netctl to install it.