What is Windows event log? - Definition from WhatIs.com
www.techtarget.com › definition › Windows-event-logThe Windows operating system records events in five areas: application, security, setup, system and forwarded events. Windows stores event logs in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\ folder. Application events relate to incidents with the software installed on the local computer. If an application such as Microsoft Word crashes, then the Windows event log will create a log entry about the issue, the application name and why it crashed.
Windows Event Log - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
docs.microsoft.com › en-us › windowsAug 19, 2020 · The Windows Event Log API defines the schema that you use to write an instrumentation manifest. An instrumentation manifest identifies your event provider and the events that it logs. The API also includes the functions that an event consumer, such as the Event Viewer, would use to read and render the events. To write the events defined in the manifest, use the functions included in the Event Tracing (ETW) API.