https://tigervnc.org(Virtual Network Computing), a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines. TigerVNC provides the levels of performance necessary to run 3D and video applications, and it attempts to maintain a common look
WinVNC - The Win32 VNC server
www.umsl.edu › ~eckerta › vnc_docsWinVNC - The Windows NT VNC server WinVNC is a VNC server that will allow you to view your Windows desktop from any VNC viewer. Because Windows in its present, standard incarnation, only supports a single graphical user being logged in at any one time, WinVNC makes the existing desktop of the PC available remotely, rather than creating a separate desktop as happens with the Unix server.
WinVNC - The Win32 VNC server
web.mit.edu › cdsdev › srcWinVNC - The Windows NT VNC server. WinVNC is a VNC server that will allow you to view your Windows desktop from any VNC viewer. Because Windows in its present, standard incarnation, only supports a single graphical user being logged in at any one time, WinVNC makes the existing desktop of the PC available remotely, rather than creating a separate desktop.
VNC Viewer for Java - RealVNC®
archive.realvnc.com › products › vncThe Windows VNC Server listens on port 5800 by default, but this can be configured per-server. When the applet has downloaded, your web browser will ask whether or not you wish to trust the code: The applet can run in either trusted or untrusted mode depending on your response at this stage.
https://tigervnc.orgTigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC (Virtual Network Computing), a client/server application that allows users to launch ...
Download TightVNC
https://www.tightvnc.com/download.phpversions of Windows. With DFMirage, TightVNC Server can detect screen updates and grab pixel data in a very efficient way. If you use TightVNC as free software, DFMirage is FREE for you as well. Download DFMirage driver Older Versions If you need a version working in Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT 4.0, or in Unix-like systems