APA Abbreviations // Purdue Writing Lab
owl.purdue.edu › apa_abbreviationsYou should not overuse abbreviations (writing is easier to understand when words are written out); you should also not underuse abbreviations (in general, if you use an abbreviation, it should appear at least three times in your paper, because fewer uses mean it is more likely your reader will forget what the abbreviation refers to).
Abbreviations - Guide to Grammar
guidetogrammar.org/grammar/abbreviations.htmMore and more, newspapers and journals seem to drop the periods: NAACP, NCAA, etc. Consistency, obviously, is important. Using articles with abbreviations and acronyms: One of the most often asked questions about grammar has to do with the choice of articles — a, an, the — to precede an abbreviation or acronym.
List of Commonly Used Abbreviations
abbreviations.yourdictionary.com › articles › listThere is more than one type of abbreviation. An acronym is a new word created from the initial letters of a long name or phrase, for example, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). An initialism is where a long phrase is abbreviated to its initial letters but the letters are pronounced individually, not spoken as a word - for example, FBI ...