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wolfgang dietrich uni innsbruck

Wolfgang Dietrich (political scientist) - Wikipedia
Wolfgang Dietrich (born 13 September 1956 in Tyrol) is an Austrian peace researcher and political scientist. He is UNESCO Chairholder and director of the MA program for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck/Austria and visiting professor on many universities around the world, including the University of Cambridge, the United Nations-mandated University for Peace and the University of Vienna. He is the founder of the Innsbruck School of Peace Studies, a groundbreaking epistemological approach to peac…
Innsbruck School of Peace Studies - Wikipedia
Since 2002, the Innsbruck School of Peace and Conflict Studies has been developed by Wolfgang Dietrich and his team at the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.On January 1, 2017 a Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies was established at the University of Innsbruck's Faculty for Social and Political Sciences, which has a mandate for conducting Peace and …
Wolfgang Dietrich (Politikwissenschaftler) – Wikipedia
Er verbrachte seine Kinder- und Jugendjahre in Silz (Tirol)und wurde in Österreich und England ausgebildet. 1980 promovierte er an der Universität Innsbruck zum Doktor der Geschichte und Germanistik und 1984 zum Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft an derselben Universität. 1990 wurde er zum Universitätsdozenten in Politikwissenschaft nach dem österreichischen UOG ernannt. Er ist habilitiert an der Fakultät für Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck und ist Gastprofessor an z…
Prof. Wolfgang Dietrich, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies ...
https://www.foreignpolicyandpeace.org › ...
Professor Wolfgang Dietrich, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, addressed a Bilkent International ...
Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies – University of Innsbruck
www.uibk.ac.at › peacestudies
As of July 1, 2021, Ass.-Prof. Dr. Rina Alluri is the new Head of the Unit of Peace Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities I and assoc. Prof Dr. Andreas Oberprantacher is the new Director of the MA Program in Peace and Conflict Studies. Prof. Wolfgang Dietrich, who built up and led both over many years, retired on September 30.
Friedensforschung an der Uni Innsbruck | Peace Studies Fund
https://peacestudiesfonds.wordpress.com › ...
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dietrich hat diesen Masterstudiengang gemeinsam mit Studierenden und Lehrenden aus aller Welt entwickelt und war bis 2021 Direktor des ...
Wolfgang Dietrich – University of Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck. Navigation öffnen. Wolfgang Dietrich - Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies. Home; About Unternavigation »About« öffnen. Personal and Professional; Consultancies, Awards, Scholarships; ... Wolfgang Dietrich. UNESCO Chairholder for Peace Studies. University of Innsbruck.
Wolfgang Dietrich (Politikwissenschaftler) – Wikipedia
de.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wolfgang_Dietrich
Wolfgang Dietrich verbrachte den Großteil der 1980er Jahre in Zentralamerika. Von 1989 bis 1991 war er Vorstandssprecher der österreichischen Sektion von Amnesty International. Während der 1990er Jahre betrieb er Feldforschung in der Karibik, Indien, Ostafrika und Südostasien. Er war von 1995 bis 1998 Direktor der European Peace University ...
Wolfgang Dietrich (political scientist) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › W...
Currently he is program director of the MA Program in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation at the University of Innsbruck, ...
Wolfgang Dietrich - Universität Innsbruck
https://www.uibk.ac.at › dietrich
University of Innsbruck. Navigation öffnen. Wolfgang Dietrich - Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies. Home · AboutUnternavigation »About« ...
Wolfgang Dietrich (political scientist) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wolfgang_Dietrich
Wolfgang Dietrich (born 13 September 1956 in Tyrol) is an Austrian peace researcher and political scientist.He is UNESCO Chairholder and director of the MA program for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck/Austria and visiting professor on many universities around the world, including the University of Cambridge, the United Nations-mandated University for Peace and the University of Vienna.
Wolfgang Dietrich – University of Innsbruck
www.uibk.ac.at › peacestudies › dietrich
index.html.en - index.html.en Home. Wolfgang Dietrich. UNESCO Chairholder for Peace Studies. University of Innsbruck. Tel.: +43 69912290895. e-mail: wolfgang.dietrich ...
Wolfgang Dietrich - Many Peaces Magazine
https://magazine.manypeaces.org › ...
Wolfgang Dietrich holds the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck. He was co-founder of the MA Program in Peace, Development, Security ...
Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies – University of Innsbruck
Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies. Grillhofweg 100. 6080 Innsbruck. Austria. +43 699 122 90 893. +43 512 512 3838-0. peacestudies@uibk.ac.at. The Peace Studies Program on Facebook. YouTube Channel of the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies Innsbruck.
Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck | Peace ...
Dr. Wolfgang Dietrich created this unique Master Program together with students and teachers from all over the world and was director of the Program until 2021. Professor Dietrich holds the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck. Since 2021, Andreas Oberprantacher is the Academic Director of the MA Program.
About: Wolfgang Dietrich (political scientist) - DBpedia
https://dbpedia.org › page › Wolfg...
He is UNESCO Chairholder and director of the MA program for Peace Studies at University of Innsbruck/Austria and visiting professor on many universities around ...
Wolfgang DIETRICH - European Forum Alpbach
https://www.alpbach.org › person
DDr. Wolfgang DIETRICH Director, UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, MA Program for Peace Studies, University of Innsbruck.
Books (Author) – University of Innsbruck
www.uibk.ac.at › peacestudies › dietrich
Why University of Innsbruck? Unternavigation »studium Study Programmes« öffnen Study Programmes. ... Wolfgang Dietrich - Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies.
MA Program in Peace Studies – University of Innsbruck
MA Module 1 - Preparatory Seminar. During the online seminar of the first Modular Period students will be familiarized with the program's approach to Peace Studies and will gain methodological tools needed for academic writing. [more] MA Module 2 - Introduction. During the first two weeks of the presence phase in Innsbruck, students will engage ...
Contributions to Anthologies – University of Innsbruck
www.uibk.ac.at › peacestudies › dietrich
in: Dietrich, Wolfgang / Josefina Echavarría Alvarez / Gustavo Esteva / Daniela Ingruber / Norbert Koppensteiner ed.: The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies: A Cultural Perspective; London. PP. 3-23.
Neuer Honorarprofessor – Universität Innsbruck
Der Friedensforscher Wolfgang Dietrich wurde am 20. Oktober 2015 zum Honorarprofessor der Universität Innsbruck ernannt. Im Rahmen einer kleinen Feier im Archäologischen Museum überreicht Rektor Tilmann Märk dem UNESCO-Chair-Halter der Universität die Urkunde.
Wolfgang Dietrich - Net Worth, Age, Height, Bio, Birthday ...
Dietrich was educated in Austria and England, received a Ph.D. in history and literature at the University of Innsbruck/Austria, in 1980 and a LL.D. at the same university in 1984. In 1990 he was promoted to the degree of “Universitätsdozent” in Political Science according to …
Neuer Honorarprofessor – Universität Innsbruck
www.uibk.ac.at › ipoint › fotoblog
Der Friedensforscher Wolfgang Dietrich wurde am 20. Oktober 2015 zum Honorarprofessor der Universität Innsbruck ernannt. Im Rahmen einer kleinen Feier im Archäologischen Museum überreicht Rektor Tilmann Märk dem UNESCO-Chair-Halter der Universität die Urkunde.
UNDP - Iraq – University of Innsbruck
Furthermore, the University of Innsbruck supports the human capacity building efforts for Peace Studies in Iraq through scholarships for Iraqi Students at the University of Innsbruck. Background & Project History. ... Head of Project Wolfgang Dietrich: Wolfgang.Dietrich@uibk.ac.at ...