wolfram-alpha-api · PyPI
https://pypi.org/project/wolfram-alpha-api30.08.2017 · wolfram-alpha-api is a Python wrapper for the Wolfram|Alpha APIs, mainly for Spoken Result API and Short Answers API. wolfram-alpha-api requires the requests package. In test.py, replace the key value with your Wolfram|Alpha API key, then run: This uses spoken_results method to get a text string from the Spoken Result API.
Wolfram|alpha API | APIList.fun
https://apilist.fun/api/wolframalphaThe official Wolfram|Alpha API. General knowledge on every topic; query it all with natural language input. Type 2 or more characters for results. Your company info might already be in our DB. If it donesn't then click on "Or Add new Company" to add a your project's info. URL of your company/project.
Wolfram|Alpha API: Terms of Use
https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/termsofuse.htmlWolfram|Alpha will provide You with an AppID for accessing the Wolfram|Alpha API. You represent that all information You submitted in order to obtain the AppID is true and accurate. Wolfram|Alpha may monitor Your use of the Wolfram|Alpha API to ensure quality, improve Wolfram|Alpha products and services and verify Your compliance with these Terms.