30.03.2020 · The Wolfram Language is the culmination of decades of effort, supporting all our products.One reason the Wolfram Language is so easy to use is the Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center—unique in that it contains reference information along with tens of thousands of examples that can be edited and run in place (or quickly copied from the web to …
Details. The regions reg 1 and reg 2 are similar if reg 2 can be obtained from reg 1 by a combination of translations, rotations, reflections and uniform scalings. Typically used to test whether two regions have the same shape or whether one has the same shape as the mirror image of the other.
Comprehensive documentation for Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. Details and examples for functions, symbols, and workflows. Organized by functionality and usage.
30.03.2020 · In addition to reference information for all new features in Version 12.1, find even more step-by-step examples and related Wolfram resources in the updated Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center.
Take a tour of the Wolfram Documentation Center, featuring details and options for more than 5,000 built-in symbols grouped by functional areas, as well as examples, guides and workflows. Tips are given for using documentation effectively. Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language. You'll Learn To
Comprehensive documentation for Mathematica and the Wolfram Language. Details and examples for functions, symbols, and workflows. Organized by functionality and usage.