Wolfram Language: Programming with Built-in Computational ...
www.wolfram.com › languagescalable for programs from tiny to huge, with immediate deployment locally and in the cloud, the wolfram language builds on clear principles—and an elegant unified symbolic structure—to create what is emerging as the world's most productive programming language, and only full-scale computational language, as well as the first true computational …
Wolfram Desktop Option for Wolfram Cloud Products
https://www.wolfram.com/desktopUse Wolfram Language functions to control and modify notebooks even while they are displayed on the screen of the desktop system. 2D & Math Editing With the native interface of Wolfram Desktop, you can directly edit 2D structures such as tables or superscripts as well as arbitrarily mathematical expressions. Inline Cells
Wolfram Language Usage Scenarios
https://www.wolfram.com/language/usesThe Wolfram Language sets the gold standard for analytics and visualization, with an unprecedented level of power and ease of use on the desktop and in the cloud. World's largest web of built-in analytics algorithms and methods Deep coverage of all forms of visualization, 2D, 3D, network, etc. with interactivity
Wolfram Language - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfram_LanguageThe Wolfram Language is a general multi-paradigm programming language developed by Wolfram Research. It emphasizes symbolic computation, functional programming, and rule-based programming and can employ arbitrary structures and data. It is the programming language of the mathematical symbolic computation program Mathematica.
How can I get started with the Wolfram Language?
support.wolfram.com › 30451Stephen Wolfram’s An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language is an easy-to-follow exploration of the language, with many useful examples and exercises for the reader. The Hands-on Start to Mathematica material provides a hands-on experience introducing the breadth of Mathematica with a focus on ease of use.
Wolfram Language Usage Scenarios
www.wolfram.com › language › usesThe Wolfram Language sets the gold standard for analytics and visualization, with an unprecedented level of power and ease of use on the desktop and in the cloud. World's largest web of built-in analytics algorithms and methods Deep coverage of all forms of visualization, 2D, 3D, network, etc. with interactivity