feeling good about yourself synonym | English synonyms ...
dictionary.reverso.net › english-synonyms › feeling1 feel, perception, sensation, sense, sense of touch, touch 2 apprehension, consciousness, hunch, idea, impression, inkling, notion, presentiment, sense, suspicion 3 affection, ardour, emotion, fervour, fondness, heat, intensity, passion, sentiment, sentimentality, warmth
101 Words That Feel Good - Planet Chiropractic
planetc1.com › 101-words-that-feel-goodNov 26, 2007 · Words That Feel Good Here’s the list of 101 words that feel good, put them into action and let me know what you think. accomplished; admirable; amazing; amusing; approachable; articulate; attentive; benevolent; blessed; bold; bountiful; bright; brilliant; captivating; caring; charismatic; charming; cheerful; comfortable; compassionate; congenial; conscious; constant; courageous; courteous
What's a word for: "just to feel good about yourself"?
english.stackexchange.com › questions › 281538Oct 21, 2015 · To say someone is "looking for approval" already suggests a lack of self-confidence, which might or might not lead to arrogance, but which in any case focuses on the person's state of mind rather than an idea or opinion. "Validation" is often used to suggest someone's need for support, but it does not imply arrogance without additional context, as in 'You want approval and people to think you're smart, to "validate" or "justify" your sense of self-importance.'.