Word formation - Oxford University Press
elt.oup.com › pdf › OLG_word_formationWord formation 1 Compounds A Compound nouns A compound noun can be formed by joining two nouns together, e.g. hand + bag = handbag. a handbag the weekend football a guidebook my bedroom We stress the first part of the word: a ‘handbag. There is little difference between a compound noun and two separate nouns used one after the other, e.g. a ...
Simple Models for Word Formation in Slang
https://aclanthology.org/N18-1129.pdfing parts of existing words. For example, edutainment is a blend of education and entertainment . Prior work notes that blend formation does not exhibit rigid rules but only demonstrates afnities towards certain patterns of formation (Mattiello,2013) suggesting learning based approaches to mod-eling blends (Deri and Knight,2015;Gangal et al.,2017).