A unification algorithm
www.cmi.ac.in › ~madhavan › coursesA unification algorithm The algorithm to find a most general unifier proceeds as follows. We begin with a set of equations . Perform the following transformations on the set of equations so long as any one of them is applicable. Transform , where is not a variable, to . Erase any equation of the form .
Unification Problem - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
www.sciencedirect.com › unification-problemInstead, it employs a constraint solving algorithm [Pfenning 1991a, Pfenning 1991b, Dowek, Hardin, Kirchner and Pfenning 1996] where unification problems within the decidable fragment proposed by Miller are solved directly, while all others (solvable or not) are postponed as constraints. This can drastically reduce backtracking compared to higher-order pre-unification and imposes no restrictions on variable occurrences.
Notes: Unification - Computer Science
www.cs.trincoll.edu/~ram/cpsc352/notes/unification.htmlCPSC 352 -- Artificial Intelligence Notes: Unification In order to apply the rules of inference, an inference system must be able to determine when two expressions match.Unification is an algorithm for determining the substitutions needed to make two predicate calculus expressions match. The algorithm described here is essentially the one used in the PROLOG language, …
Unification Algorithm - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
www.sciencedirect.com › unification-algorithmμ = g(ν 1, …, ν k), λ = g(η 1, …, η k). Then use this same procedure recursively on the pairs. ν 1 = η 1, ν 2 = η 2, …, ν k = η k. In applying the unification algorithm to. r(λ 1, …, λ n), ˉr(μ 1, …, μ n), we begin with the pairs of terms. λ 1 = μ 1, λ 2 = μ 2, …, λ n = μ n. and apply the preceding procedure to each.