Install Xfce on CentOS 8 Minimal - sudo how › install-xfce-on-centos-8-minimalInstall the EPEL Repo # dnf install epel-release -y Install the Xfce group # dnf groupinstall Xfce -y Disable the GNOME Display Manager # systemctl disable gdm Install and enable SDDM # dnf install sddm # systemctl enable sddm Change the default target to graphical # systemctl set-default Reboot # reboot Select “Xfce session” […]
Debian 9 (XFCE) minimal install - need help : debian guys. Can someone tell me which steps are needed for a minimal install of Debian 9 XFCE? I want to do a fresh install including the XFCE desktop environment, default xfce window manager, xfce terminal, xfce appfinder, xfce session manager, xfce settings, ristretto, synaptic, pulse audio, libre office, gimp, mousepad and such...