YAML Tutorial
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/yaml/index.htmYAML is the abbreviated form of “YAML Ain’t markup language” is a data serialization language which is designed to be human -friendly and works well with other programming languages for everyday tasks. Audience The target audience of this tutorial includes web developers who work with JSON and XML files for configuration settings.
YAML - Introduction
www.tutorialspoint.com › yaml › yaml_introductionThe design goals and features of YAML are given below − Matches native data structures of agile methodology and its languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby and JavaScript YAML data is portable between programming languages Includes data consistent data model Easily readable by humans Supports one-direction processing
YAML Tutorial
www.tutorialspoint.com › yaml › indexYAML is the abbreviated form of “YAML Ain’t markup language” is a data serialization language which is designed to be human -friendly and works well with other programming languages for everyday tasks. Audience The target audience of this tutorial includes web developers who work with JSON and XML files for configuration settings.
About the Tutorial
www.tutorialspoint.com › yaml › yaml_tutorialYAML Ain’t Markup Language is a data serialization language that matches user’s expectations about data. It designed to be human friendly and works perfectly with other programming languages. It is useful to manage data and includes Unicode printable characters.
Kubernetes tutorial for dummies
https://guicommits.com/kubernetes-tutorial-for-dummies🦴 Kubernetes yaml anatomy. I know you want to see some action, but before getting started into the Kubernetes objects themselves, let's just understand how we can define them. Benefits. In case you aren't familiar with yaml files, I can tell you that's great because they allow you to: Version it with your favorite VCS (which I know is git)