Split a String - Online String Tools
https://onlinestringtools.com/split-stringIf you want to split a string by a specific symbol, select the "Split by a Character" option and enter the split symbol below it (by default, it's the space symbol). If you need more advanced control of splitting, choose the "Split by a Regular Expression" option. It allows you to fine-tune the matches and extract more complex chunks.
Fn::Split - AWS CloudFormation
docs.aws.amazon.com › AWSCloudFormation › latestFn::Split. To split a string into a list of string values so that you can select an element from the resulting string list, use the Fn::Split intrinsic function. Specify the location of splits with a delimiter, such as , (a comma). After you split a string, use the Fn::Select function to pick a specific element.
YAML Multiline Strings
yaml-multiline.infoYAML MultilineFind the right syntax for your YAML multiline strings. YAML Multiline. There are two types of formats that YAML supports for strings: block scalar and flow scalar formats. ( Scalars are what YAML calls basic values like numbers or strings, as opposed to complex types like arrays or objects.) Block scalars have more control over ...
YAML Multiline Strings
https://yaml-multiline.infoYAML Multiline. There are two types of formats that YAML supports for strings: block scalar and flow scalar formats. ( Scalars are what YAML calls basic values like numbers or strings, as opposed to complex types like arrays or objects.) Block scalars have more control over how they are interpreted, whereas flow scalars have more limited ...