python - Can PyYAML dump dict items in non-alphabetical order ... › questions › 16782112yaml.dump(data, sort_keys=False) As shown in help(yaml.Dumper), sort_keys defaults to True: Dumper(stream, default_style=None, default_flow_style=False, canonical=None, indent=None, width=None, allow_unicode=None, line_break=None, encoding=None, explicit_start=None, explicit_end=None, version=None, tags=None, sort_keys=True) (These are passed as kwargs to yaml.dump)
Python YAML – Read, Write, Parse YAML - PYnative › python-yamlApr 05, 2021 · sort_keys: This tag is used to sort the keys in alphabetical order. The default value is true. By setting the tag’s value as false we can maintain the insertion order. Dump Multiple YAML Documents. You can also dump several YAML documents to a single stream using the yaml.dump_all() function. The dump_all accepts a list or a generator producing Python objects to be serialized into a YAML document.
ruamel.yaml equivalent of sort_keys?'m trying to dump a Python dict to a YAML file using ruamel.yaml.I'm familiar with the json module's interface, where pretty-printing a dict is as simple as. import json with open ('outfile.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(mydict, f, indent= 4, sort_keys= True) . With ruamel.yaml, I've gotten as far as. import ruamel.yaml with open ('outfile.yaml', 'w') as f: ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(mydict, f ...
ruamel.yaml equivalent of sort_keys? › discuss › 227145I'm familiar with the json module's interface, where pretty-printing a dict is as simple as. import json with open('outfile.json', 'w') as f: json.dump (mydict, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) With ruamel.yaml, I've gotten as far as. import ruamel.yaml with open('outfile.yaml', 'w') as f: ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump (mydict, f, indent=2)