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yandex language codes

Yandex Translate - Classic Docs - Thunkable
https://classic-docs.thunkable.com › ...
Available translation languages. According to Yandex, there are more than 90 available languages including the ones below. ​. Language code. Bangla.
Supported languages - Yandex
Yandex.Translate can help you translate texts to the following languages:
Getting Yandex Language Codes - AI2 Inventor Forum News
http://ai2inventor.blogspot.com › g...
Getting Yandex Language Codes. How do you get the list of languages and their codes for Yandex translate? I cannot ...
Translate text with PHP and Yandex - Dummy-X
https://www.selectallfromdual.com › ...
We integrate Yandex Translate in our PHP code ... Using the function translatetext, defining the text to be translated, the source language and ...
Getting Yandex Language Codes - Google Groups
https://groups.google.com › mitap...
How do you get the list of languages and their codes for Yandex ... How can I send ui=language code when I don't know the language code?
Overview. Developer's guide - Yandex
https://yandex.com › api-overview
https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1.5/tr.json/getLangs ? [key=<API key>] & [ui=<language code>] & [callback=<callback function name>] ...
Languages and characters support - Webmaster. Help - Yandex
Languages and characters support. Supported languages. Supported encodings. The two-letter language codes correspond to the ISO 639-1 standard. Azerbaijani (az) Albanian (sq) English (en) Arabic (ar) Armenian (hy)
Overview. Developer's guide - Yandex
48 rader · Interfaces. To access the Yandex.Translate API over HTTPS, you can use: XML interface (the response is returned as an XML document). JSON interface (the response is returned as JavaScript objects with the same names and semantics as the XML elements). JSONP interface (the response is returned as JavaScript objects wrapped in a callback function ...
Getting Yandex Language Codes - groups.google.com
01.03.2017 · Awesome! Thanks! My app will offer as many languages as there are languages available. Is there a way to get the languages and codes from Yandex Translate somehow so that if a new language is added the app offers that language, too?
YandexTranslate - AppyBuilder
https://help.appybuilder.com › media
... source and target language in the form source-target using two letter language codes. ... This component is powered by the Yandex translation service.
The easiest way to create a translator app with the Yandex ...
https://blog.learnappinventor2.com › ...
There are about 90 language names and laguage codes ... the Yandex translate API, the language code is still the one ...
Yandex Translate - Classic Docs
The language must be specified in 2 digit codes e.g. 'en' for English and the list of supported languages is listed below. Yandex Translate will attempt to detect the source language. You can also specify the language to translate from i.e. 'es-ru' will specify Spanish to Russian.
Get a list of supported languages. Developer's guide - Yandex
In the response, the list of supported languages can be found in the langs field together with an explanation of language codes. Language names are output in the language whose code corresponds to this parameter. All language codes are listed in the list of supported languages. callback: Name of the callback function. Used to get a JSONP response.