Pricing. JavaScript API and HTTP Geocoder › dev › mapsOver 100,000. To calculate costs, send a request to and tell us how many requests per day you expect. Maximum number of requests per day. Base cost. Price per 1,000 requests over the request limit for the base cost. 1,000. 120,000 rubles. 120 rubles. 10,000.
Yandex.Maps API for Business— Yandex Technologies › dev › mapsPricing and terms. The API for Business (Commercial API) allows you to track transport, use maps in closed systems, and exceed the daily limit on requests. Suitable for high-load systems and projects with large audiences. The Yandex.Maps API includes 3 products: Static API. Each of the API products can be used free of charge or for a fee ...
Maps API — Yandex Technologies Yandex.Maps API offers a range of services for using Yandex technologies and map data in your projects: embed a map in a website or app, use Yandex maps in a commercial project, use the geocoder or router, or add panoramas to a site. See the documentation for questions and answers about working with the Yandex.Maps API.
Free Yandex.Maps API — Yandex Technologies Yandex.Maps API offers a range of services for using Yandex technologies and map data in your projects. You can use the API for virtually anything: show directions to your office, or display data on the map for visual analytics. If something changes in Yandex.Maps (for instance, a new company is added or a highway interchange opens), these updates are immediately available in …
Free Yandex.Maps API — Yandex Technologies › dev › mapsYandex.Maps API: description, features, documentation, and usage examples. Use the API free of charge to create a map for a website or app. The API provides geocoding, routing, panoramas, and search for businesses. The services are accessed using the JavaScript or HTTP API.
Maps API — Yandex Technologies › dev › mapsThe Yandex.Maps API offers a range of services for using Yandex technologies and map data in your projects: embed a map in a website or app, use Yandex maps in a commercial project, use the geocoder or router, or add panoramas to a site. See the documentation for questions and answers about working with the Yandex.Maps API.
Pricing - Yandex › developers › pricesUse of the Yandex.Translate API on a paid basis is conducted in accordance with the conditions of the License Agreement. To sign a License Agreement, and if you need to translate more than 1,000,000,000 characters a month, send a request to the following email address: .