yandex-translater · PyPI · This method is used to pass a Yandex API key (string), instead of passing it in Constructor. A tr object can be. instantiated without any attributes. set_text. ^^^^^^^^^. .. code-block:: pycon. >>> tr.set_text ('text_to_translate') This method is used to …
可能是目前最好的全文翻译解决方案 - 知乎点击 Get API key 注册 Yandex 注意获取手机验证码时 中国大陆 的手机号前面要 +86 注册后得到 Yandex 的 Key,还是像上面所说,记下这串字符 上面 browser.translation.engine 这项的值修改为 yandex,然后在 about:config 页面中任意位置右键,选择新建字符串 新建字符串,填入上一步申请的 Key 现在访问任何其他语言的 …
Get a free Yandex API key - Fedilab a free Yandex API key Fedilab uses yandex API for translations because it allows for free a daily request limit of 1,000,000 characters and a monthly limit of 10,000,000 characters. While, it seems to be enough, Mastalab shares the API key with all users, that means one day or another, the shared key might reach one of these limits.
Get a free Yandex API key - Fedilab › post › free-yandex-api-keyFedilab uses yandex API for translations because it allows for free a daily request limit of 1,000,000 characters and a monthly limit of 10,000,000 characters. While, it seems to be enough, Mastalab shares the API key with all users, that means one day or another, the shared key might reach one of these limits.