Yandex – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (ros. Яндекс) (czyt. Jandeks) – rosyjsko-holenderskie przedsiębiorstwo z siedzibą w Amsterdamie i z siedzibą operacyjną w Moskwie; korporacja międzynarodowa w branży informatycznej, właściciel rosyjskiej wyszukiwarki internetowej o tej samej nazwie.W 2017 wyszukiwarka kontrolowała około 50% rynku w Rosji oraz była to ósma co do wielkości …
Yandex – Wikipédia › wiki › YandexYandex (oroszul: Яндекс) orosz multinacionális informatikai vállalat, specializációja az internettel kapcsolatos termékek és szolgáltatások.A Yandex működteti Oroszország legnagyobb keresőmotorját, melynek piaci részesedése 65 százalékos.
Yandex – Wikipedia N.V. (ryska: Яндекс) är ett multinationellt företag inriktat på Internet-relaterade tjänster och produkter.Yandex är ett AI-företag som tillhandahåller sök- och informationstjänster, E-handel, transport-, navigations- och andra mobilapplikationer, samt erbjuder nätannonsering.Yandex riktar sig till en ryskspråkig publik med fokus på Ryssland och de …
Yandex.Taxi - Wikipedia (Russian: Яндекс.Go) is an international company owned by Russian IT-giant Yandex and that operates taxi aggregation and food tech businesses across Russia, CIS, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The company is among the world's leading developers of self-driving technology.. Yandex.Taxi was founded by Yandex N.V., a Russian multinational company that …
Yandex - Wikipedia N.V. is a Russian multinational corporation providing over 70 Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, e-commerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising. The firm is registered in Schiphol, the Netherlands as a
Yandex – Wikipedia tiếng Việt › wiki › YandexYandex (tiếng Nga: Яндекс) là một công ty web lớn của Nga với hơn 60% người dùng web ở Nga sử dụng( Số người sử dụng vẫn đang tăng ). Yandex là công ty tìm kiếm lớn thứ 4 trên thế giới (theo Comscore) với hơn 150 triệu lượt tìm kiếm mỗi ngày và khoảng 50 triệu người ...
Yandex Search - Wikipedia › wiki › Yandex_SearchThe Yandex logo appears in numerous settings to identify the search engine company. Yandex has relied on several logos since its renaming, with the first logo created by Arkady Volozh and debuted in 1997 on Яndex.Site and Яndex.CD products, even before the announcement of the Yandex search engine. The logo was designed analog to the CompTek logo.
Yandex - Wikipedia › wiki › YandexYandex N.V. (/ ˈ j ʌ n d ɛ k s /; Russian: Яндекс) is a multinational corporation primarily for Russian and Russian-language users, providing 70 Internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, e-commerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising.