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yapf diff

yapf · PyPI
pypi.org › project › yapf
Dec 25, 2021 · Normally YAPF returns zero on successful program termination and non-zero otherwise. If --diff is supplied, YAPF returns zero when no changes were necessary, non-zero otherwise (including program error). You can use this in a CI workflow to test that code has been YAPF-formatted. Excluding files from formatting (.yapfignore or pyproject.toml)
YAPF: A formatter for Python files
03.09.2021 · YAPF takes a different approach. It’s based off of ‘clang-format’, developed by Daniel Jasper. In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the best formatting that conforms to the style guide, even if the original code didn’t violate the style guide.
yapf-diff/README.md at master · luxresearch/yapf-diff · GitHub
`yapf` only what you `diff`. Contribute to luxresearch/yapf-diff development by creating an account on GitHub.
YAPF - A formatter for Python files - PythonRepo
https://pythonrepo.com › repo › g...
A print_diff (bool): Instead of returning the reformatted source, return a diff that turns the formatted source into reformatter source. >>> ...
how to apply yapf to every python file under a directory ...
18.11.2018 · In other words, yapf is incapable of understanding the pattern because it never sees the pattern. The second problem is that ** isn't a valid shell file globbing pattern. That's semantically equivalent to * , so running yapf -ir files **.py will only process any .py files contained in your current directory and inside the files directory.
VsCode 格式化工具:yapf_zaf赵的博客-CSDN博客_vscode yapf
11.01.2021 · 目录yapf简介安装启用配置 yapf简介 yapf是一款由Google开源的Python代码自动格式化工具,它根据PEP 8规范可以帮我们自动格式化我们的代码,让代码更规范、更漂亮。本文介绍VSCODE下面安装配置yapf 安装 pip install yapf 启用 File -> Preferences -> Setting 搜索框输入:formatting.provider...
Yapf-diff not installed correctly - Python yapf | GitAnswer
https://gitanswer.com › yapf-diff-n...
Yapf-diff not installed correctly - Python yapf. To reproduce, on a clean system: [me@localhost] $ pip install -U yapf [me@localhost] $ yapf-diff -h ...
yapf/yapf_diff.py at main · google/yapf · GitHub
git diff -U0 --no-color --relative HEAD^ | yapf-diff -i: svn diff --diff-cmd=diff -x-U0 | yapf-diff -p0 -i: It should be noted that the filename contained in the diff is used unmodified: to determine the source file to update. Users calling this script directly: should be careful to ensure that the path in the diff is correct relative to the
yapf/yapf_diff.py at main · google/yapf · GitHub
github.com › third_party › yapf_diff
svn diff --diff-cmd=diff -x-U0 | yapf-diff -p0 -i It should be noted that the filename contained in the diff is used unmodified to determine the source file to update. Users calling this script directly
yapf · PyPI
25.12.2021 · YAPF takes a different approach. It’s based off of ‘clang-format’, developed by Daniel Jasper. In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the best formatting that conforms to the style guide, even if the original code didn’t violate the style guide.
yapf · GitHub Topics - Innominds
https://github.innominds.com › yapf
Yapf style config for django code. django formatting style yapf pep8 ... `yapf` only what you `diff` ... Vim plugin for yapf, a formatter for Python.
Python Coding Standards - Developer Documentation
https://developer.mantidproject.org › ...
... format any Python files you have changed prior to commiting you may use the command: git diff --name-only --cached | grep '\.py' | xargs yapf -i .
google/yapf: A formatter for Python files - GitHub
https://github.com › google › yapf
A print_diff (bool): Instead of returning the reformatted source, return a diff that turns the formatted source into reformatted source. >>> print(FormatCode("a ...
YAPF: A formatter for Python files
pythonawesome.com › yapf-a-formatter-for-python-files
Sep 03, 2021 · Normally YAPF returns zero on successful program termination and non-zero otherwise. If --diff is supplied, YAPF returns zero when no changes were necessary, non-zero otherwise (including program error). You can use this in a CI workflow to test that code has been YAPF-formatted. Excluding files from formatting (.yapfignore)
Exit code with diff · Issue #325 · google/yapf · GitHub
github.com › google › yapf
Oct 17, 2016 · remove yapf-diff-recursive in favor of yapf 0.17.0. 60a9f90. yapf 0.17.0 gained a sensible exit code for yapf --diff: - google/yapf#325 - google/yapf@ 71d9b2e. mst-ableton mentioned this issue on Apr 16, 2018. Add quiet flag and return value if quiet #434.
文件 · no-split-before-dict-value · mirrors / google / yapf · CODE CHINA
https://codechina.csdn.net › tree
usage: yapf-diff [-h] [-i] [-p NUM] [--regex PATTERN] [--iregex PATTERN][-v] [--style STYLE] [--binary BINARY] This script reads ...
GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files
github.com › google › yapf
Normally YAPF returns zero on successful program termination and non-zero otherwise. If --diff is supplied, YAPF returns zero when no changes were necessary, non-zero otherwise (including program error). You can use this in a CI workflow to test that code has been YAPF-formatted. Excluding files from formatting (.yapfignore or pyproject.toml)
Yapf-diff not installed correctly - Google/Yapf - Issue Explorer
https://issueexplorer.com › issue
[me@localhost] $ pip install -U yapf [me@localhost] $ yapf-diff -h Traceback (most recent call last): File ...
Exit code with diff · Issue #325 · google/yapf · GitHub
17.10.2016 · remove yapf-diff-recursive in favor of yapf 0.17.0. 60a9f90. yapf 0.17.0 gained a sensible exit code for yapf --diff: - google/yapf#325 - google/yapf@ 71d9b2e. mst-ableton mentioned this issue on Apr 16, 2018. Add quiet flag and return value if quiet #434.
Python Formatting&Linting&isort 以及VSCode中的使用_清欢 …
19.07.2020 · 直接运行 yapf ./test.py 返回格式化后文档内容。 注意,就算没有修改也会返回文档内容。 运行 yapf --diff ./test.py 返回修改内容。 没有修改则没有返回值。 更多请参考 官方文档 。 1.3. black 官方文档 配置文件 可通过命令行 --config 设置配置文件。 需要的配置文件名为 pyproject.toml 。 命令行相关文档 1.4. isort isort 官方文档 作用:对import信息进行整理、排序 …
GitHub - luxresearch/yapf-diff: `yapf` only what you `diff`
github.com › luxresearch › yapf-diff
should I use yapf_diff? Only if formatting all the lines in your modified file(s) would cause an unacceptably big diff in your revision history.
yapf man | Linux Command Library
https://linuxcommandlibrary.com › ...
Display a diff of the changes that would be made, without making them (dry-run). $ yapf --diff [path/to/file]. copy. Format the file in-place and display a ...
MarcoFalke/yapf-diff - Giters
https://giters.com › MarcoFalke › y...
MarcoFalke yapf-diff: A modification of clang-format-diff.py that works with YAPF.
GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files
YAPF takes a different approach. It's based off of 'clang-format', developed by Daniel Jasper. In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the best formatting that conforms to the style guide, even if the original code didn't violate the style guide.
GitHub - luxresearch/yapf-diff: `yapf` only what you `diff`
14.11.2021 · should I use yapf_diff?. Only if formatting all the lines in your modified file(s) would cause an unacceptably big diff in your revision history. PEP 8 recommends keeping your code consistent with the surrounding code.yapf-diff guarantees consistency only within the lines touched within a diff.. if you're the the one choosing how and when to lint, choose black for …