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yapf docstring

Reformatting docstrings and comments #279 - google/yapf
https://github.com › yapf › issues
we basically cannot get any formatting of the docstring. Could you please help me if it is a feature that is currently absent from yapf?
yapf · PyPI
25.12.2021 · YAPF will search for the formatting style in the following manner: Specified on the command line; In the [style] section of a .style.yapf file in either the current directory or one of its parent directories. In the [yapf] section of a setup.cfg file in either the current directory or one of its parent directories.
yapf 0.28.0 now removes blank line between class docstring ...
25.07.2019 · yapf 0.28.0 now removes the line after """Cool class""", which makes pydocstyle complain with:. D204: 1 blank line required after class docstring. Yapf 0.27.0 keeps this blank line.
yapf 0.28.0 now removes blank line between class docstring ...
github.com › google › yapf
Jul 25, 2019 · yapf 0.28.0 now removes the line after """Cool class""", which makes pydocstyle complain with:. D204: 1 blank line required after class docstring. Yapf 0.27.0 keeps this blank line.
GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files
To control the style, run YAPF with the --style argument. It accepts one of the predefined styles (e.g., pep8 or google ), a path to a configuration file that specifies the desired style, or a dictionary of key/value pairs. The config file is a simple listing …
YAPF: A formatter for Python files
pythonawesome.com › yapf-a-formatter-for-python-files
Sep 03, 2021 · The two main APIs for calling yapf are FormatCode and FormatFile, these share several arguments which are described below: >>> from yapf. yapflib. yapf_api import FormatCode # reformat a string of code >>> FormatCode ( "f ( a = 1, b = 2 )" ) 'f (a=1, b=2) '. A style_config argument: Either a style name or a path to a file that contains ...
How to automate Python code formatting | by AlexV - Medium
https://medium.com › analytics-vid...
We'll cover the libraries Black, YAPF and iSort. Sound good? Let us begin… ... Complex functions with multiple variables may need a docstring.
Python YAPF formatting documentation · 146650109a - docs ...
opendev.org › airship › docs
Jan 16, 2011 · Available YAPF knobs are located at [1], this patch chooses: blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def: True, for readability of code blank_line_before_module_docstring: True, for readability of code split_before_logical_operator: True, when multiple and/or type statements are in same block it makes it much easier to read when the operation (and ...
GitHub - google/yapf: A formatter for Python files
github.com › google › yapf
To control the style, run YAPF with the --style argument. It accepts one of the predefined styles (e.g., pep8 or google ), a path to a configuration file that specifies the desired style, or a dictionary of key/value pairs. The config file is a simple listing of (case-insensitive) key = value pairs with a [style] heading.
yapf - PyPI
https://pypi.org › project › yapf
Therefore, if you format Python 3 code with YAPF, run YAPF itself under Python 3 (and similarly for ... Insert a blank line before a class-level docstring.
VS code python formatter not working(autopep8, black, yapf)
https://stackoverflow.com › vs-cod...
I am using VS Code 1.60 on macbook pro, Big Sur 11.4 with python 3.9.7. I have installed Python(Microsoft) extension for formatting.
Python风格规范 — Google 开源项目风格指南
当末位元素尾部有逗号时,元素后的逗号可以指示 YAPF 将序列格式化为每行一项. Yes: golomb3 = [0, 1, 3] Yes: golomb4 = [0, 1, 4, 6,] ... The rest of this docstring should contain an overall description of the module or program. Optionally, ...
yapf/yapflib/style.py - platform/external/yapf - Git at Google
https://android.googlesource.com › ...
Insert a blank line before a module docstring."""),. BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION=textwrap.dedent("""\. Number of blank lines surrounding ...
Google Python Style Guide
https://google.github.io › pyguide
Many teams use the yapf auto-formatter to avoid arguing over formatting. ... pylint warnings are each identified by symbolic name ( empty-docstring ) ...
yapf/style.py at main · google/yapf · GitHub
26.12.2021 · # specified in the '[yapf]' section. SETUP_CONFIG = 'setup.cfg' # Style definition by local pyproject.toml file. Style should be specified # in the '[tool.yapf]' section. PYPROJECT_TOML = 'pyproject.toml' # TODO(eliben): For now we're preserving the global presence of a style dict. # Refactor this so that the style is passed around through yapf ...
Reformatting docstrings and comments · Issue #279 · google/yapf
github.com › google › yapf
Jun 20, 2016 · def func ( a ): """Do something awesome. This is a long long long description of the awesome work that is done by this function. Despite being very detailed, it runs over the column limit. """. quite a lot of something like gq in vim could be saved. If it could reformat the docstring in the default Sphinx, numpy, or Google format, probably it ...
YAPF: A formatter for Python files
03.09.2021 · YAPF tries very hard to get the formatting correct. But for some code, it won’t be as good as hand-formatting. In particular, large data literals may become horribly disfigured under YAPF. The reasons for this are manyfold. In short, YAPF is simply a tool to help with development.
Python Coding Standards - Developer Documentation
https://developer.mantidproject.org › ...
Unless otherwise specified, follow PEP 8; this means using snake_case · Use YAPF to format Python code · Always use four spaces for indentation · For docstrings ...
yapf inserst a blank line between function docstring and ...
https://giters.com › yapf › issues
Hi there, I have an issue with yapf as it inserts a blank line between a function docstring and a nested function declaration, ...
YAPF - A formatter for Python files - PythonRepo
https://pythonrepo.com › repo › g...
Insert a blank line before a class-level docstring. BLANK_LINES_AROUND_TOP_LEVEL_DEFINITION. Sets the number of desired blank lines surrounding ...
VsCode 格式化工具:yapf_zaf赵的博客-CSDN博客_vscode yapf
11.01.2021 · 目录yapf简介安装启用配置 yapf简介 yapf是一款由Google开源的Python代码自动格式化工具,它根据PEP 8规范可以帮我们自动格式化我们的代码,让代码更规范、更漂亮。本文介绍VSCODE下面安装配置yapf 安装 pip install yapf 启用 File -> Preferences -> Setting 搜索框输入:formatting.provider...
Linters and formatters — Essential Python Tools 3.7 ...
yapf¶ Yet another Python formatter is another auto-formatter which is maintained by google. yapf is highly configurable and it has different base configurations, like pep8, Google and Facebook. To install it: pip install yapf. Usage: yapf-i {source_file_or_directory} here -i is to make changes to files in place. This is the formatted code.
你需要知道的Python代码规范性检查(pylint和flake8) - 云+社区 - …
22.10.2020 · 从检查信息可以看到,上述代码缺少模块注释(Missing module docstring)以及函数注释(Missing function docstring),函数名不符合蛇形命名规范(全由小写字母和下划线 ... python的代码错误检查通常用pep8、pylint和flake8,自动格式化代码通常 …
yapf · PyPI
pypi.org › project › yapf
Dec 25, 2021 · YAPF will search for the formatting style in the following manner: Specified on the command line; In the [style] section of a .style.yapf file in either the current directory or one of its parent directories. In the [yapf] section of a setup.cfg file in either the current directory or one of its parent directories.
Reformatting docstrings and comments · Issue #279 · google ...
20.06.2016 · By running the current 0.10.0 version of yapf on def func(a): """Do something awesome. This is a long long long description of the awesome work that is done by this function. Despite being very detailed, it runs over the column limit.