Phrase in direct speech, Equivalent in reported speech. today, that day. "I saw him today", she said. She said that she had seen him that day. yesterday ...
Reported Speech. Click here for a list of reported speech exercises. Click here to download this explanation in PDF. Reported Statements. When do we use reported speech? Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the first person said. Watch my reported speech ...
Here will be changed into there and Yesterday into the day before. Thus the indirect speech for this sentence will be He said that she had been there the ...
Time and Place in Reported Speech. When we report something, we may need to make changes to: time (now, tomorrow) place (here, this room) direct speech. reported speech. She said, "I saw Mary yesterday." She said she had seen Mary the day before. He said: "My mother is here."
03.08.2019 · I've got a question related to reported speech. How should the sentence "I didn't meet her yesterday" look in reported speech while reporting it next day? For example, I said in the morning "I didn't meet her yesterday." and later in the day I'm repeating it. Should I say: I said I didn't meet her yesterday. or. I said I hadn't met her yesterday.
10.08.2019 · In indirect speech, we remove the comma after Reporting Verb and also the inverted commas of Reported Speech.In addition, as reporting verb is in Past tense, the Reported Speech will be changed from past indefinite to past perfect tense. Here will be changed into there and Yesterday into the day before. Thus the indirect speech for this sentence will be He said that …
Indirect speech is speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words: for example, 'They said you didn't like it', 'I asked her what her plans were', and 'Citizens complained about the smoke'.. What is reported speech in grammar? Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the …
Example ; “I saw him yesterday“, she said. She said that she had seen him the day before. ; The day before yesterday, two days before ; “I met her the day before ...
I've got a question related to reported speech. How should the sentence "I didn't meet her yesterday" look in reported speech while reporting it next day? For ...
Dates in Reported Speech. yesterday. the previous day/the day before. last (night / week / month / year / etc) the previous (night/ week/ month/ year/ etc) the (night/ week/ month/ year/ etc) before. this (evening/month/etc)