Why the Yocto Project for My IoT Project - eLinux.org
elinux.org › images › cOpenWRT - Overview “OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management.”1 Primary focus is networking Replacement firmware for consumer devices Primarily a binary distribution On-device package management Products: Firmware image in device-specific format Network available package repositories
P roject B uilding Op enWr t w ith the Yo cto
www.elinux.org › images › 2openwrt-image-minimal - has openwrt networking and cli but no UI openwrt-image-base - has openwrt networking, cli, and UI (LuCI) openwrt-image-full - has minimal and base images functionality plus some network related packages, including relayd or tcpdump m eta - op en wr t over v ie w 12 / 34 Yocto Summit 2021 CC BY | Tomasz Żyjewski
Comparing embedded Linux build systems and distros
elinux.org › images › 0OpenWRT - Overview “OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management.”1 Primary focus is networking Replacement firmware for consumer devices Primarily a binary distribution On-device package management Products: Firmware image in device-specific format Network available package repositories