中国人民大学数学学院 Yong Lin, Shuang Liu, Equivalent properties of CD inequality on graph, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 61(3), 431-440, 2018. 6. Yong Lin, Shuang Liu, Yunyan Yang, A gradient estimate for positive functions on graphs, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 27(2), 1667–1679, 2017. 7.
Yong Liu | OpenReview Liu. Suggest Name; Emails. Enter email addresses associated with all of your current and historical institutional affiliations, as well as all your previous publications, and the Toronto Paper Matching System. ... Renmin University of China ( 2020 – Present ...
Yong Liu - › addons › teacherYong Liu is tenure-track faculty at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. He obtained the PhD degree from Tian Jin University, supervised by Shizhong Liao. His research interests are mainly about machine learning, with special attention to large-scale machine learning, autoML, statistical machine learning theory ...
About me - Yong Liu
iie-liuyong.github.ioAbout me. I received my Master’s and Ph.D Degrees in Tianjin University, 2016, Tianjin, China; I am currently an associate researcher at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. My research interests lie in the general area of machine learning, particularly in large scale machine learning, autoML and model selection.
Yong Liu | OpenReview › profileEmails. Enter email addresses associated with all of your current and historical institutional affiliations, as well as all your previous publications, and the Toronto Paper Matching System. This information is crucial for deduplicating users, and ensuring you see your reviewing assignments. **** ,
刘凯-中国人民大学物理学系 Liu, Zhong-Yi Lu, and Tao Xiang, Nematic antiferromagnetic states in bulk FeSe, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205154 (2016). Yong Tian, Yixiu Kong, Kai Liu, Anmin Zhang, Rui He, and Qingming Zhang, Magnetic evolution of itinerant ferromagnetism and interlayer antiferromagnetism in cerium doped LaCo2P2 crystals, Physica B 512, 75 (2017).
刘易-中国人民大学物理学系 Liu†, Yong Xu†, Jian Sun†, Chong Liu†, Yanzhao Liu, Chong Wang, Zetao Zhang, Kaiyuan Gu, Yue Tang, Cui Ding, Haiwen Liu, Hong Yao, Xi Lin*, Lili Wang*, Qi-Kun Xue, Jian Wang*, “Type-II Ising s uperconductivity and anomalous metallic state in macro-size ambient-stable ultrathin crystalline films”, Nano Letters 20, 5728-5734 (2020) selected for the Editors ’ Choice of …
Distributed Randomized Sketching Kernel Learning › uploads › 20211211Distributed Randomized Sketching Kernel Learning Rong Yin, 1,2 Yong Liu, 3,4 Dan Meng1,2 1 Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2 School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
About me - Yong Liu
https://iie-liuyong.github.ioAbout me. I received my Master’s and Ph.D Degrees in Tianjin University, 2016, Tianjin, China; I am currently an associate researcher at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. My research interests lie in the general area of machine learning, particularly in large scale machine learning, autoML and model selection.