Yorkshire Terrier - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Yorkshire_TerrierThe Yorkshire Terrier was introduced in North America in 1872 and the first Yorkshire Terrier was registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885. During the Victorian era, the Yorkshire Terrier was a popular pet, and show dog in England, and as Americans embraced Victorian customs, so too did they embrace the Yorkshire Terrier.
Yorkshire Terrier - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire_TerrierThe Yorkshire Terrier (often shortened as Yorkie) is one of the smallest dog breeds of the terrier type, and of any dog breed. The breed developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England. Ideally its maximum size is 7 pounds (3.2 kg). A popular companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has also been part of the development of other breeds, such as the Silky Terrier. Most have a black and t…
Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed Profile | Petfinder
www.petfinder.com › dog-breeds › yorkshire-terrierThe Yorkshire Terrier’s heritage can be seen in their sharp, intelligent expression, confident carriage, and compact body. They a small breed, however, now more noted for their long, silky hair, which is often fine, glossy, and perfectly straight. Their color is a hallmark of this breed, with the blue a dark steel blue and the tan a clear tan.
Yorkshire terrier | Dyrebar.no
https://dyrebar.no/raser/hund/yorkshire-terrierYorkshire terrier røyter lite, men har lang silkepels som lett kan bli flokete. Den må derfor børstes jevnlig, eventuelt kan pelsen klippes. Når pelsen er på det lengste, vil den gå helt til bakken og dekke bena. De fleste setter en strikk eller spenne i pannehåret, slik at håret ikke dekker øynene (og blir grisete av matskålen).