Haugesund - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › HaugesundHaugesund is the 28th most populous municipality in Norway with a population of 37,357. The municipality's population density is 546.4 inhabitants per square kilometre (1,415/sq mi) and its population has increased by 9.7% over the previous 10-year period. The Haugesund urban area, which extends into the neighboring municipality of Karmøy ...
Pent - Værvarsel for Haugesund, By, Haugesund, Rogaland, Norge
https://pent.no/59.414,5.268Værvarsel i dag (25.12.2021): YR: skyet, temperatur: -3.6° - -1°, nedbør: 0 mm, vind: 1.92 m/s Storm: klarvær, temperatur: -4.3° - -0.4°, nedbør: 0 mm, vind ...
About us - Husøy Terminalen
husoyterminalen.no › about-usABOUT US. Husøy Terminalen AS was established in 2017 and operate ship calls from locally and abroad. The terminal includes operations, logistics and warehousing associated with sea transport. The land and quayside is private owned and operated in cooperation with Karmsund Servicebase AS.
Pent - Værvarsel for Haugesund, By, Haugesund, Rogaland, Norge
https://pent.no/59.41378,5.26803Værvarsel i dag (24.12.2021): YR: undefined, temperatur: -4° - -3.2°, nedbør: 0 mm, vind: 1.43 m/s Storm: undefined, temperatur: -2.7° - -1°, nedbør: 0 mm ...