Yui Discord Bot | Top.gg
top.gg › bot › 280497242714931202Very Good Bot! Thanks For Making It! I love to use Yui in my servers, mainly for her economy features! She pairs well with Eli and runs smoothly. I do have one complaint though about a command. The “Yui say ...” command is bugged. Every time I use it it crashes the server and I have to log in and out and delete the channel.
How to use Yui Bot on Discord - linuxhint.com
https://linuxhint.com/discord-yui-bot-discordBots are a form of artificial intelligence that helps you to automate various functions on your Discord server; Yui is one of the fun anime-based bots. It provides many commands related to the 16 categories: Moderation, Automation, Features, Permissions, Search, Util, Info, Fun, Economy, Gambling, Profiles, Skills, Image, Reaction, Counter, and Ships.
How to use Yui Bot on Discord
linuxhint.com › discord-yui-bot-discordUsing Yui Bot on your Discord server, you can execute multiple commands belonging to the 16 categories: Moderation, Automation, Features, Permissions, Search, Util, Info, Fun, Economy, Gambling, Profiles, Skills, Image, Reaction, Counter, and Ships.
Yui - Discord
yuibot.app › commandsYui - Discord y!ban BAN_MEMBERS SERVER ONLY Bans the member you tag if you're allowed to ban them. y!clean MODERATOR SERVER ONLY Allows you to delete messages with or without a filter. y!giverole MANAGE_ROLES SERVER ONLY Allows you to give a member a role using the bot. (helpful for mobile) y!kick KICK_MEMBERS SERVER ONLY
Yui - Discord
https://yuibot.appYui | A simple and modern Discord bot that provides fun and searching features to any Discord server, it also comes with a large selection of moderation tools. Yui is built on Node.js and uses the Discord.js framework.
Yui Bot Commands :) - Pastebin.com
https://pastebin.com/zYqTYiJM17.07.2017 · Command Description. banner: Makes a banner of your message using regional indicators. choose: Input some choices and the bot will pick one. dice: Roles a die. echo: Yui will say what you tell her to say. (Add -hide to the end to remove your own message) facts: Get facts about a number, date, or cats.