The first command line option that comes to mind when checking for the version of an application or package on CentOS is yum info package_name. $ yum info PACKAGE_NAME Let’s see what version of the clamtk anti-virus software is installed on our CentOS 7 desktop.
17.05.2016 · The way you do it is perfectly fine. The check which is causing the warning is very simply and just checks the first word against a pre-defined list. It ignores further options and often results in warnings which can not be solved with the corresponding module, like in the yum case.. To get rid of the warning you can simply do a which:. shell: `which yum` list installed custom …
29.11.2019 · How to check installed packages in CentOS. The procedure is as follows to list installed packages: Open the terminal app. For remote server log in using the ssh command: ssh user@centos-linux-server-IP-here Show information about all installed packages on CentOS, run: sudo yum list installed To count all installed packages run: sudo yum list installed | wc -l
May 18, 2016 · I've been getting my feet wet with Ansible ( on CentOS 7. I'm trying to obtain a version from an installed rpm/yum package, but ran into a warning message when running the script.
This post looks at how to list the installed packages with YUM from the command line for YUM based Linux distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora. It’s very simple: yum list installed. This will result in a list of all installed packages in case …
This post looks at how to list the installed packages with YUM from the command line for YUM based Linux distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora. It’s very simple: yum list installed. This will result in a list of all installed packages in case-sensitive alphabetical order, like in the following example: Loading "fastestmirror" plugin ...
Yellowdog Updater Modified or Yum for short is a package management tool for RPM packages. It is popular in the REHL family of Linux distributions, including CentOS and Fedora. Like popular package managers, Yum works via repositories that contain collections of tools in rpm format. How to check if a package is available in Yum is explained in this article.
Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. Is there any way to know which version of the software will be installed using yum install command? For example: $ yum search zsh Loaded plugins: fastestmirror === Matched: zsh === zsh.x86_64 : A powerful interactive shell.
Similar to show available packages, the command above will show the name of the packages installed, the version, and the source repository of the packages.
17.06.2019 · Using Yum to Check Installed Packages. Using rpm is not the only way to check for installed packages on your system. Now we will discuss how to use “yum” to accomplish the same task. Try the following command: yum list installed You will see that the list yum provides is formatted slightly differently. Let’s look at an entry in depth.
$ yum list installed | grep PACKAGE_NAME. In the following command, I’m going to check which version of the partitioning software gparted is installed on my CentOS 7 system. $ yum list installed | grep gparted gparted.x86_64 0.19.1-5.el7 @epel. 5. The final command rpm -qi is a muscleman when it comes to spitting out details on the version of ...
Use Python code to check if a package is installed in python using yum: def is_installed (package_name): return "not installed" in commands.getstatusoutput ("rpm -q " + package_name) [1] Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications. answered Sep 1 …
To see currently installed package version + check what is the latest available version, use --showduplicates list <package name>, for example: $ sudo yum --showduplicates list 'tar.*' Loaded plugins: search-disabled-repos Installed Packages tar.x86_64 2:1.26-32.el7 installed Available Packages tar.x86_64 2:1.26-29.el7 rhelosp-rhel-7.4-server tar.x86_64 2:1.26-31.el7 rhelosp-rhel …
Is there any way to know which version of the software will be installed using yum install command? For example: $ yum search zsh Loaded plugins: fastestmirror === Matched: zsh === zsh.x86_64 : A powerful interactive shell. In this case, how can I know the version of zsh if I type yum install zsh.x86_64? linux rpm yum.
29.04.2019 · sudo yum –y install yum-utils. List all installed packages with the repoquery command: sudo repoquery –a ––installed. The yum-utils package uses yum repositories to pull information. Conclusion. Now you understand how to list and filter installed packages on CentOS.