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zabbix agent 2

Zabbix agent 2
https://www.zabbix.com › itemtypes
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0 for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges.
3 Agent 2 - Zabbix
https://www.zabbix.com › concepts
Zabbix agent 2 is available in pre-compiled Zabbix packages. To compile Zabbix agent 2 from sources you have to specify the --enable-agent2 configure option.
3 Agent 2 - Zabbix
Agent 2 is written in Go (with some C code of Zabbix agent reused). A configured Go environment with a currently supported Go version is required for building Zabbix agent 2. Agent 2 does not have built-in daemonization support on Linux; since Zabbix 5.0.4 it can be run as a Windows service. Passive checks work similarly to Zabbix agent.
Download Zabbix agents
Download and install pre-compiled Zabbix agents. For Enterprises. Zabbix is an enterprise-ready monitoring solution optimized for high performance and security
Magic of New Zabbix Agent
https://blog.zabbix.com › magic-of...
Zabbix Agent 2 is the new generation of the Zabbix agent written in Go, one of the most popular languages currently.
3 Agent 2 - Zabbix
3 Agent 2 概述. Zabbix agent 2 为新一代zabbix agent,未来可能会替代原Zabbix agent。Zabbix agent 2可以实现: 降低TCP连接数; 具有更大的检查并发性; 易于通过插件进行扩展. 插件可以是: 仅由几行简单代码实现的简单检查
Download Zabbix agents
https://www.zabbix.com › downloa...
Zabbix agent 2 v5.4.8 ; Encryption: OpenSSL ; Linkage: Dynamic ; Checksum: sha256: e3e6144a8c7ee1aa7c363d334c1a474609e92d8185f329d77c08f126b885ae01. sha1:
Zabbix agent 2 template operation
https://www.zabbix.com › config
Zabbix agent 2 templates work in conjunction with the plugins. While the basic configuration can be done by simply adjusting user macros, the deeper ...
4 Zabbix agent 2 (UNIX)
https://www.zabbix.com › config
Zabbix agent 2 is a new generation of Zabbix agent and may be used in place of Zabbix agent. This section lists parameters supported in a Zabbix agent 2 ...
3 Agent - Zabbix
Zabbix agents are extremely efficient because of use of native system calls for gathering statistical information. Passive and active checks. Zabbix agents can perform passive and active checks. In a passive check the agent responds to a data request. Zabbix server (or proxy) asks for data, for example, CPU load, and Zabbix agent sends back the ...
Zabbix agent 2
https://www.zabbix.com › itemtypes
The table provides details on the item keys that you can only use with Zabbix agent 2. Key. Description, Return value, Parameters, Comments. redis.config[< ...
18 Agent vs agent 2 comparison - Zabbix
https://www.zabbix.com › appendix
UNIX: All metrics supported by Zabbix agent. Additionally, the agent 2 provides Zabbix-native monitoring solution for: Docker, Memcached, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...
10 Zabbix agent 2 on Microsoft Windows
https://www.zabbix.com › install
Zabbix agent 2 runs as a Windows service. You can run a single instance of Zabbix agent 2 or multiple instances of the agent on a Microsoft Windows host. A ...
2 Agent - Zabbix
https://www.zabbix.com › concepts
Zabbix agent is deployed on a monitoring target to actively monitor local resources and applications (hard drives, memory, processor statistics etc). The agent ...