Global Dashboard - Zabbix › global_dashboardZabbix Dashboard is a central place in the web frontend and provides high-level personalized details about the monitored environment: Dashboard can be filtered by host group, trigger severity, problem status and other parameters. Users may customize the dashboard, reallocate widgets with drag-and-drop, add and remove favorites.
1 Dashboard - › monitoring › dashboard1 Dashboard Overview. The Monitoring → Dashboard section is designed to display summaries of all the important information.. A dashboard consists of widgets and each widget is designed to display information of a certain kind and source, which can be a summary, a map, a graph, the clock, etc.
Global Dashboard - Zabbix Dashboard is a central place in the web frontend and provides high-level personalized details about the monitored environment: Dashboard can be filtered by host group, trigger severity, problem status and other parameters. Users may customize the dashboard, reallocate widgets with drag-and-drop, add and remove favorites.
4 Host dashboards - Zabbix › documentation › current4 Host dashboards Overview. Host dashboards look similar to global dashboards, however, host dashboards display data about the host only.Host dashboards have no owner. Host dashboards are configured on the template level and then are generated for a host, once the template is linked to the host.
4 Host dashboards - Zabbix Host dashboards Overview. Host dashboards look similar to global dashboards, however, host dashboards display data about the host only.Host dashboards have no owner. Host dashboards are configured on the template level and then are generated for a host, once the template is linked to the host. Widgets of host dashboards can only be copied to host dashboards of the same …