04.12.2019 · To monitor the zabbix agent just change on the zabbix web from to one of the aliases (eg. zabbix-agent ), that should resolve the issue. But if you want to expose zabbix agent to external, you can add zbx_net_frontend: under zabbix-agent service, the port will be shown in docker container ls output.
84 rader · For Zabbix version: 5.4 and higher. The template to monitor Docker engine by Zabbix that work without any external scripts. Most of the metrics are collected in one go, thanks to Zabbix bulk data collection. Template Docker by Zabbix agent 2 — collects metrics by polling zabbix-agent2. This template was tested on:
Plugins provide an option to extend the monitoring capabilities of Zabbix. Plugins are written in the Go programming language and are supported by Zabbix agent 2 only. Plugins provide an alternative to loadable modules (written in C), and other methods for extending Zabbix functionality, such as user parameters (agent metrics), external checks (agent-less …
This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. docker.ping: Test if a Docker daemon is alive or not. 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken-This item is supported for the Docker plugin.
27.09.2020 · Connect over Docker network to agent from Zabbix Server; Configure Docker Application Template; Fails to connect to Docker; I am stumped as to what I need to do in order to give the Zabbix Agent proper access to the Docker Daemon it is running on. On the host outside the container I can "ping docker-host" just fine but within the zabbix-agent ...
07.10.2018 · zabbix/zabbix-proxy-sqlite3:ubuntu-latest; From the main dashboard, I'm trying to ping some hosts. When the host is monitored by Zabbix Server, the ping works just well. But there is something with on on Zabbix proxy, affecting both UI Ping from menu and the monitoring. When I invoke Ping from menu, I see this: Ping. sh: 1: /bin/ping: not found
Have you tried my debug steps from last time and docker exec into the containers and tried to just "ping" the other containers? 0. Answered Mar 24 '21 at 15:04.
14.05.2020 · • Zabbix 5.0.0 • Docker 19.03. In our example, the Zabbix server IP address is In our example, the Docker server IP address is Keep in mind that you need to use the new Zabbix agent to monitor a Docker server.
11.08.2021 · Tutorial - Enable Zabbix ICMP Ping Monitoring First, we need to install the FPING package to enable Zabbix to perform ICMP checks. We also need to take note of the FPING program location. Use the WHICH command to find out the FPING program location. apt-get update apt-get install fping which fping /usr/bin/fping
21.04.2020 · HI, i've fresh installed zabbix-agent2 on a node, and I get cpu infos, memory,... but nothing about docker on Zserver I set the "Template App Docker" on the host configuration on the node, I have zabbix agent 5.0.0 zabbix_agent2 --version zabbix_agent2 (Zabbix) 5.0.0 Revision 9665d62db0 9 October 2019, compilation