https://gitee.com/dclaoshi/PoC-in-GitHub03.09.2021 · PoC in GitHub 2021 CVE-2021-1056 (2021-01-07) NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Linux, all versions, contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer (nvidia.ko) in which it does not completely honor operating system file system permissions to provide GPU device-level isolation, which may lead to denial of service or information disclosure.
Improvement and Application of TF * IDF Algorithm
link.springer.com › chapter › 10Oct 28, 2011 · Abstract. The traditional TF-IDF probability model is a relatively simple formula. For a few words which are commonly used and not stop words in a paper,it is lack of better differentiate and is not suitable for many specific cases, such as news advertising service module, about extraction of key words of the article, according to the deficiencies and the demand of news advertising service ...
HULC Lab : Home
hulclab.euThe HULC lab is a cooperation of researchers based at the Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie (Institute for German as a foreign language philology) and the Center for Iberoamerica, at Heidelberg University. The HULC lab was founded in September 2011. Our facilities include an Eye Tracking lab, a Language laboratory, and an RT lab.