Environnement variables to set antigen_bundles: - name: # The name of the Antigen bundle (e.g. one of the plugins that come with Oh-My-Zsh) url: # Optional. If the it's not one of the Oh-My-Zsh plugins you must specify the URL (use owner/repo shorthand for GitHub) location: # Optional.
i have a simple ansible playbook that i am using to configure some windows ... On investigating, I found that powershell is invoked through pwsh command.
To install Ansible for use at the command line, simply install the Ansible package ... If SSH works but SFTP is not available on some of your managed nodes, ...
Sep 22, 2019 · Change Oh-My-Zsh Themes. Oh-My-Zsh framework provides large number of themes. You can change the default themes by editing the config file .zshrc which will be under ./oh-my-zsh/themes/ Set ZSH_THEME to the name of the theme in your ~/.zshrc and run su to activate it:
command-execution-timer - Displays the time an interactive shell command takes to execute. command-not-found - A mirror of the oh-my-zsh command-not-found plugin so you don't have to include all of oh-my-zsh. command-note - Record complex commands and comment on them. command-time - Show execution time for long commands in ZSH and powerlevel9k.
Feb 09, 2011 · I did exactly what you said but i still got zsh: command not found: ansible – crg. Jan 22 '21 at 9:59. Use this below command which worked for me. Even I was facing ...
Mar 21, 2020 · So, Ansible is installed and accessible. However, when running. ansible-paybook play/bastion.yml --tags nvim:install --ask-vault-pass. i do get -bash: ansible-playbook: command not found. Same for other sub-commands. When going into machine directly with the same user ansible-playbook works as expected.
04.06.2020 · Fixing zsh Compaudit Problem on OSX Catalina. Ever since OSX Catalina, every time I open a new shell window I get this error: zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? y (eval):32: command not found: complete. The issue with complete isn't the problem here ...
22.09.2019 · Change Oh-My-Zsh Themes. Oh-My-Zsh framework provides large number of themes. You can change the default themes by editing the config file .zshrc which will be under ./oh-my-zsh/themes/ Set ZSH_THEME to the name of …
The basic syntax consists of ansible then the host group from hosts to run ... Ansible's modules either aren't well defined yet, or simply do not exist.
20.03.2020 · So, Ansible is installed and accessible. However, when running. ansible-paybook play/bastion.yml --tags nvim:install --ask-vault-pass. i do get -bash: ansible-playbook: command not found. Same for other sub-commands. When going into machine directly with the same user ansible-playbook works as expected.
It is giving success message when use below command. Anupams-MacBook-Pro-2:bin anupamsri$ sudo pip install ansible. The directory /Users/anupamsri/Library ...
09.02.2011 · However when I try to run ansible I get the following: zsh: command not found: ansible. I've never had this problem when installing ansible before. pip-installing again tells me it's already installed under site packages: Requirement already satisfied: ...
25. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. One way to begin debugging your bash script would be to start a subshell with the -x option: $ bash --login -x. This will show you every command, and its arguments, which is executed when starting that shell. The --login option is specified because .bash_profile is read by login shells.
I can only confirm that completion does not work for me on zsh/macos with either of the documented commands, I endup gettin something like (eval):1: command not found: --As I do not have time to dig into this I will be more than happy to review and manually test a PR that is fixing it.
There are two options as far as I see: Update and track the config in the ansible role template to be able to deploy the latest settings e.g. if I where to replace the raspi. Pros: config is directly available on target, cons: goes against role concept, DB and other files still have to be restored from a backup, etc.
最近在学习 ansible ,在使用普通用户远程执行 ip a 命令是发现提示错误:/bin/sh: ip: command not found。 原因. command not found 命令未找到,一般想到的是环境变量的问题。网上查找资料,也证实了这个猜测,根本原因是 ansible 登录方式为 non-login shell(与之对应的是 login ...
I can only confirm that completion does not work for me on zsh/macos with either of the documented commands, I endup gettin something like (eval):1: command not found: --. As I do not have time to dig into this I will be more than happy to review and manually test a …