FLEETLIST - Afklaveness
afklaveness2.wixsite.com › afklaveness › fleetlistships name . victoria. aurora. venus. havfruen (i) valkyrien. brigida. capella. staerkodder. magnat. elida. nordpool. vincitore. havfruen (ii) augusta. framnaes. alfa. columbus. venus (ii) ludvig holberg. helena. cyprian. stella. birtha. ariel. regina. geysir. solstad (i) dolly. stiklestad (i) guldregn. eira. skramstad (i) seirstad (i) svaerdstad. taunton. brighton. sangstad (i) vera. verona. jarlen. kamfjord. trafalgar
A. F. Klaveness & Co - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AA. F. Klaveness & Co. was a Norwegian shipping company. Founded in 1799, the shipping ventures ended in 1996, but the company lives on as a holding company. History The Klaveness Building at Lysaker. The company was founded by Thor Klaveness (1767–1854) in 1799 in Sandefjord.
Lardex - Rederi - Sandefjords Historie
https://www.lardex.net › companyVICTORIA, 1847, 1869, 0, SS/BRK, A. F. Klaveness m.fl. ... Skibs-A/S Goodwill. NANSENVILLE, 1931, 1931, 0, MS, Universal Shipping Co. A/S.
HISTORY | Afklaveness
afklaveness2.wixsite.com › afklaveness › historyA. F. Klaveness & Co. was a Norwegian shipping company. Founded in 1799, the shipping ventures ended in 1996, but the company lives on as a holding company. History. The company was founded by Thor Klaveness (1767–1854) in 1799 in Sandefjord. The name was changed to A. F. Klaveness in 1869, when Anton Fredrik Klaveness (1839–1904) took over.
M/S Stirlingville - Sjøhistorie
https://www.sjohistorie.no/en/skip/277121936 - Innkjøpt av D/S A/S International v/A. F. Klaveness & Co. A/S, Lysaker, Oslo. Nytt navn - STIRLINGVILLE 1940 - Overtatt av Min. of War Transport v/Ropner Shipping Co., London, UK. 1945 - Tilbakelevert rederiet. 1959 - Solgt til Everest Cia. Mar. SA v/ Loucas G. Matsas, Pireus, Beirut, Liberia - nytt navn - GEORGIOS M II
Skipslister — Skipet
https://www.skipet.no/skip/skipslister1946 tørrlastskip XLS. 1949 tankskip. Tankskip levert til norske eiere i 1949. 1950 tørrlastskip. Tørrlastskip levert til norske rederier i 1950. 1950 tørrlastskip XLS. 1953 tankskip. Tankskip levert til norske eiere i 1953. 1954 tankskip.
HISTORY | Afklaveness
https://afklaveness2.wixsite.com/afklaveness/historyA. F. Klaveness & Co. was a Norwegian shipping company. Founded in 1799, the shipping ventures ended in 1996, but the company lives on as a holding company. History. The company was founded by Thor Klaveness (1767–1854) in 1799 in Sandefjord. The name was changed to A. F. Klaveness in 1869, when Anton Fredrik Klaveness (1839–1904) took over.