Language/English/Vocabulary/Useful-English-Acronyms-and-Abbreviations ; AKA, Also Known As ; ATM, At the Moment ; BTW, By the Way ; BRB, I will Be Right Back.
Jun 02, 2014 · Acronyms and abbreviations are such a huge part of the language, but sometimes we forget how important they are. Today we’re going to take you on a tour of the 37 most common English acronyms and abbreviations that every English learner should know. Click to Speak English FREE w/ people from around the world
23.09.2015 · English abbreviations and acronyms: BYOB – Don’t turn up to a party empty-handed when you’ve been told to BYOB, else the hosts and the other guests will be dry and unhappy indeed. BYOB stands for bring your own beer/bottle/booze. ‘Bottle’, of course, means a bottle of wine or spirits, and ‘booze’ is a slang term for alcohol. DOA – dead on arrival.
Common Acronyms in Chat. The world of email, texting, and instant messaging has given rise to a whole series of acronyms and initialisms that allow texters to complete their messages more quickly.Nearly all are initialisms because they are pronounced letter by letter. Occasionally some are pronounced as words in conversation, though this is uncommon.
Whether a series of letters is a true acronym or an initialism, it's not uncommon for these abbreviations to become words in their own right in the English language. Some are used so often that it's easy to forget they stand for a more complicated phrase, but understanding what the letters stand for will make even the most obscure acronym ...
Dec 01, 2021 · Acronym or Abbreviation Meaning ASAP As Soon As Possible AKA Also Known As ATM At the Moment BTW By the Way BRB I will Be Right Back DIY Do it Yourself DOB Date of Birth e.g. For example (It comes from Latin “exemplī grātiā”) EFL English as a Foreign Language ESL English as a Second Language ETA Estimated Time of Arrival FAQ
02.06.2014 · Well, we have a special lesson today on abbreviations and acronyms in English, so, let me share with you 37 of these. So, the first one, ASAP – As Soon as Possible. FYI FYI – For Your Information RSVP
Acronyms and abbreviations list in English ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS MEANINGS 2B To Be A.I. Artificial intelligence A.m. or AM Ante Meridiem Abs Abdominals abt About ads advertisements AD Anno Domini AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard Aka, AKA or a.k.a Also Known As AML All My Love Anws Answer AOB Any Other business
Acronyms and abbreviations list in English ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS MEANINGS 2B To Be A.I. Artificial intelligence A.m. or AM Ante Meridiem Abs Abdominals abt About ads advertisements AD Anno Domini AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard Aka, AKA or a.k.a Also Known As AML All My Love Anws Answer AOB Any Other business
An "acronym" is a word that's made up of the first letters of other words (usually). English speakers use acronyms a lot. You'll read and hear them everywhere – on the Internet, in business, in the government. The examples below are acronyms that almost all English speakers know and use commonly. "Q&A" Tweet This! (Question and answer)
The meaning of ACRONYM is a word (such as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of ...