The ACS Style Guide › 2017/02/14 › ACS-StyleGuidelisher at or by addressing correspondence to The ACS Style Guide, Books Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Although The ACS Style Guide is written with an emphasis on chemistry and, to some extent, a focus on ACS journals, we believe that it has wide applicabil-
ACS Citation Style | University of the Sciences › help › citation-acsJOURNAL ARTICLE. The form is: Author's last name comma first initial period space Title of article with no quotations period space abbreviation for journal title italicized (period only if journal title ends with abbreviation) space year bolded comma space volume number italicized comma space pages period. The title of the article is desirable for locating the article but may be omitted by some journals.