Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology of Agricultural Science and Technology is owned by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and is managed and published by YektaPub Co. Conflicts of interests All Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone.
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
https://www.cast-science.orgThe Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation. The transition team for the Biden Administration introduced the Climate 21 Project as the blueprint for how the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) can help advance the role of agriculture and forestry to mitigate and adapt to climate change pressures.
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Homepage | AGRIS - Home | Food and Agriculture ... · 14.12.2021. The International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) contributes knowledge and data, resulting in an enormous, multilingual bibliographic collection of food and agricultural scientific research, with data providers from 149 countries covering 90 languages.