GIS: The plug-in is broken, no module named resourcesHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & praise to God...
23.05.2018 · Broken DAG: No module named 'airflow.contrib.gsc_to_gcs' Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 8 months ago. Viewed 10k times 6 Very new to Airflow/Python etc. but can't seem to work out what I need to do to resolve this issue.. Airflow is running on ...
No module named docker - Code Redirect. Broken DAG: (…) No module named docker. I have BigQuery connectors all running, but I have some existing scripts in Docker containers I wish to schedule on Cloud Composer instead of App Engine Flexible. I have the below script that seems to follow the examples I can find: import datetime from airflow ...
10.05.2017 · Changed in version 2.0: Importing operators, sensors, hooks added in plugins via airflow.{operators,sensors, hooks}.<plugin_name> is no longer supported, and these extensions should just be imported as regular python modules.
Then I go the web UI, and am greeted by Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/airflow/dags/] No module named 'lib' . Unpausing the dag and attempting a ...
09.05.2018 · However, to get DockerOperator to work properly requires a bit more effort as the composer workers do not have access to the Docker daemon. Head to the GCP console and perform the following steps; after getting cluster credentials ). kubectl get deployment airflow-worker -o yaml --export > airflow-worker-config.yaml.
Wanted to learn airflow and using it through docker. I used the LocalExecutor compose file with uncommented volume for the plugin folder. Here my project structure : ├── dags │ └── ├── docker-compose.yml └── plugins ├── __init__.p...
I don't think that airflow automatically goes through the folders in your plugins directory and runs everything underneath it. The way that I've set it up successfully is to have an under the plugins directory which contains each plugin class. Have a look at the Astronomer plugins in Github, it provides some really good examples for how to set up your plugins.
If your Airflow version is < 2.1.0, and you want to install this provider version, first upgrade Airflow to at least version 2.1.0. Otherwise your Airflow package version will be upgraded automatically and you will have to manually run airflow upgrade db to complete the migration.
Wanted to learn airflow and using it through docker. I used the LocalExecutor compose file with uncommented volume for the plugin folder. Here my project structure : ├── dags │ └── ├── docker-compose.yml └── plugins ├── __init__.p...
May 06, 2021 · Airflow Docker – No module named ‘pyodbc’ 6th May 2021 airflow , docker , pyodbc , python I have a Python script which uses Pyodbc to work with SQL Server, I’m trying to run this script with an Airflow DAG:
The python modules in the plugins folder get imported, and macros and web ... <plugin_name> is no longer supported, and these extensions should just be ...
Changed in version 2.0: Importing operators, sensors, hooks added in plugins via airflow.{operators,sensors,hooks}.<plugin_name> is no longer supported, and these extensions should just be imported as regular python modules. For more information, see: Modules Management and Creating a custom Operator
Jun 05, 2021 · Any other path has to be added to system path, as described in airflow module management. For sake of simplicity, I added my module to AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins and I can import them successfully. from mymodule import my_method So, in your case, if you rename configurations to plugins and update import statement into DAG,
I do not seem to understand how to import modules into an apache airflow DAG definition file. I would want to do this to be able to create a library which makes declaring tasks with similar settings less verbose, for instance.