Career - Aker BP ASA › en › careerMar 31, 2022 · Aker BP. Aker BP is a company engaged in exploration, field development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company operates five field centres: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall, and is a partner in the Johan Sverdrup licence.
Nyheter - Aker BP ASA › nyheterFeb 21, 2022 · Aker BP reported record high operating profit of USD 1,260 million and net profit of USD 364 million for the fourth quarter 2021. For the full year 2021, operating profit was USD 3,315 and net profit was USD 851 million. The company continues to deliver oil and gas at low cost and with low. 10.02.2022.
Aker BioMarine | Work With Us in Aker Biomarine. We foster a corporate culture based on trust, transparency, ... Director for Aker BioMarine in Japan, and read what she does at Aker BioMarine, how a day looks, her best career advice, ... Aker BioMarine ASA, Oksenøyveien 10, P.O. Box 496, NO-1327
Aker BioMarine | Work With Us › careersA tough woman with a tough job. Meet Christina Denberg, Quality Controller for Aker BioMarine. She is currently on board the Antarctic Endurance, our revolutionary krill vessel that pushes technological boundaries and enables more sustainable operations. Christina gives us a taste of what life is like at sea.
Career - Aker BP ASA BP’s vision is to be the leading exploration and production company within oil and gas. We will achieve this by producing the natural resources with low emissions and costs, while at the same time creating jobs and values for both our owners and the broader Norwegian society.
Karriere - Aker BP ASA BP. Aker BP er et oljeselskap som leter, utvikler felt og produserer olje og gass på den norske kontinentalsokkelen. Selskapet er operatør for fem feltsenter: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula og Valhall, og medeier i Johan Sverdrup-feltet. Målt i produksjon er Aker BP et av de største uavhengige børsnoterte oljeselskapene i Europa.
Karriere - Aker BP ASA › karriereAker BP trenger et mangfold av kompetanse, erfaring og tankesett. Vi liker å bli utfordret og å tenke nytt. Hos oss kan du være med å på å utvikle fremtidens olje- og gassproduksjon, og samtidig forbedre hele næringen. Aker BPs visjon er å bli det ledende lete- og produksjonsselskapet innenfor olje og gass.
Careers | Aker Solutions › careersAker Solutions offers a variety of entry-level schemes for students and recent graduates, including vacation placements, internships, sponsorships, graduate training programs and cooperative education. Recruitment Fraud. Recruitment fraud is a sophisticated scam offering fictitious job opportunities. Learn how to identify and report recruitment ...
Aker ASA
https://www.akerasa.comAker ASA er en av grunnleggerne av klimakoalisjonen, First Movers Coalition Under den første uken av klimaforhandlingene i Glasgow i 2021 annonserte USAs president Joe Biden, First Movers Coalition. Initiativet skal akselerere utviklingen av nye grønne teknologier.
Careers | Aker Solutions Solutions strives to be the best. We attract the best employees and help them learn, grow and realize their dreams through mentoring and other career development assistance. As part of our team we will help you achieve your greatest potential. We will find the perfect place for your skills and interest in our organization and the world.