AKER BP (AKRBP) aksje | Nordnet
www.nordnet.no › market › stocksAKRBP: Aker BP awarded 15 licenses in APA 2021; 18.1.2022, 13:52 · Cision Aker BP ASA: Aker BP awarded 15 licenses in APA 2021; 17.1.2022, 07:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt AKER BP: BERENBERG SÄNKER REK TILL SÄLJ (BEHÅLL) 14.1.2022, 17:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt NORDEN: BLANDAD UTVECKLING, OLJEBOLAG UPP I OSLO, VINX 30 -2,3%
Nyheter - Aker BP
akerbp.com › nyheterDec 21, 2021 · Nyheter. Aker BP has been offered interests in 15 new production licences in Norway, of which 7 as operator, through the Awards in pre-defined areas (APA 2021) licensing round. Of the 15 production licences awarded to Aker BP, 10 are in the North Sea (5 as operator) and 5 are in the Norwegian Sea (2.
AKER BP - Kursoversikt - Velkommen til Oslo Børs!
https://www.oslobors.no › markedsaktivitetHistoriske kurser ; Måned, 5,80%, 277,60, 316,60, 269,60 ; YTD, 8,14%, 271,60, 316,60, 270,20.
| live
live.euronext.com › aker › akerAker ASA: Aker BP acquires Lundin Energy's oil and gas business 21/12/2021 OSLO BØRS – TRADING RESUMPTION 21/12/2021 OSLO BØRS – TRADING SUSPENSION 16/12/2021 Aker ASA: Mandatory notification of pledge of shares 07/12/2021 Yngve Slyngstad ansatt som leder av Aker Asset Management
AKER (AKER) aksje | Nordnet
www.nordnet.no › market › stocksAker ASA: Aker BP acquires Lundin Energy's oil and gas business; 21.12.2021, 15:31 · Cision Aker ASA: Aker BP acquires Lundin Energy's oil and gas business; 21.12.2021, 15:30 · Oslo Børs OSLO BØRS - TRADING RESUMPTION; 21.12.2021, 15:20 · Oslo Børs OSLO BØRS - TRADING SUSPENSION; 21.12.2021, 15:20 · Nasdaq
Aker BP - We are changing the oil and gas industry
akerbp.com › enAker BP is an oil company that explores, develops fields and produces oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. We are the operator of the Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall field centres, and partner in the Johan Sverdrup field. Aker BP will extract oil and gas in the cleanest and most affordable way.