Detaljert aksjeinfo - Aker BP · Aker BP. Aker BP er et oljeselskap som leter, utvikler felt og produserer olje og gass på den norske kontinentalsokkelen. Selskapet er operatør for fem feltsenter: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula og Valhall, og medeier i Johan Sverdrup-feltet. Målt i produksjon er Aker BP et av de største uavhengige børsnoterte oljeselskapene i Europa.
Aker BP - We are changing the oil and gas industry › enAker BP is an oil company that explores, develops fields and produces oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. We are the operator of the Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall field centres, and partner in the Johan Sverdrup field. Aker BP will extract oil and gas in the cleanest and most affordable way.
Flagging av fullmakter - Aker BP › en › borsmeldingJan 13, 2009 · Aker BP is a company engaged in exploration, field development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company operates five field centres: Alvheim, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall, and is a partner in the Johan Sverdrup licence. Measured in production, Aker BP is one of the largest independent oil companies in ...
Aker BP - Vi endrer olje- og gassbransjen
https://akerbp.com21.12.2021 · The E&P company of the future Reference is made to the merger announcement regarding the agreement with Lundin Energy AB (“Lundin Energy”) where Aker BP ASA (“Aker BP”) is to acquire Lundin Energy’s oil and gas related activities, through a statutory merger, to create the E&P 21.12.2021
AKER BP (AKRBP) aksje | Nordnet › market › stocksAKRBP: Aker BP awarded 15 licenses in APA 2021; 18.1.2022, 13:52 · Cision Aker BP ASA: Aker BP awarded 15 licenses in APA 2021; 17.1.2022, 07:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt AKER BP: BERENBERG SÄNKER REK TILL SÄLJ (BEHÅLL) 14.1.2022, 17:53 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt NORDEN: BLANDAD UTVECKLING, OLJEBOLAG UPP I OSLO, VINX 30 -2,3%