21.12.2021 · Tests . Tests in Jinja are a way of evaluating template expressions and returning True or False. Jinja ships with many of these. See builtin tests in the official Jinja template documentation.. The main difference between tests and filters are that Jinja tests are used for comparisons, whereas filters are used for data manipulation, and have different applications in …
20.12.2021 · ansible how to compare two strings. Ask Question Asked 13 days ago. Active 13 days ago. Viewed 34 times -1 Could you please explain to me how to compare values - strings in Ansible to set up the correct variable? - name: Set directory ...
28.03.2019 · I have the following conditional in an Ansible task: when: ec2_tag_Name == 'testhost01'. It works fine, however I would like to match a wildcard on the ec2_tag_Name field. So something like this. when: ec2_tag_Name == 'testhost*'. The goal is to match anything like testhostx testhost12 testhostABC etc etc just anything matching testhost at the ...
11.04.2017 · by Ansible admin. You can use arithmetic calculations in Ansible using the Jinja syntax. This is helpful in many situations where you have stored the output of an operation, and you need to manipulate that value. All usual operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo are possible. Let us start with an example.
29.07.2017 · Ansible when variable contains string. We can also make a conditional statement based on whether the variable contains a particular string. We can use variable.find for checking the contents. In the following example, the task will only run when the variable test1 contains the string “World”. - hosts: all vars: test1: "Bye World" tasks ...
21.12.2021 · Basic conditionals with when . The simplest conditional statement applies to a single task. Create the task, then add a when statement that applies a test. The when clause is a raw Jinja2 expression without double curly braces (see group_by_module).When you run the task or playbook, Ansible evaluates the test for all hosts.
Test syntax · Testing strings · Vault · Testing truthiness · Comparing versions · Set theory tests · Testing if a list contains a value · Testing if a list value is ...
Effectively you are comparing the value of expose_service with the string 'NodePort' and always get false in result. You need to enclose the equality operator- ...
we can use "in" operator in ansible to check whether one string is matched partially or entirely another string in ansible expressions or conditions. Lets us ...
Comparing variable and the "character string after ansible specific variable ... Comparing strings together a solid writing (but are surrounded by a YAML ...