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ansible compare lists

How to compare two files using Ansible | Edureka Community
https://www.edureka.co › how-to-c...
Hi Guys, I want to copy some files and also want to see the difference between the files using Ansible playbook. How can I do that?
How to compare lists in Ansible? - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › how-to...
Try map. There might be more options on the filter. For example replace shell> cat map-replace.yml - hosts: localhost vars: ...
Ansible - matching a string to an item in a list - Unix ...
unix.stackexchange.com › questions › 648250
May 05, 2021 · I'm trying to iterate over a list in Ansible and search for a string in each item in it, and then assigning the matched item to a variable. To be more specific, I'm pulling all MAC addresses on each node into a list and looking for a specific manufacturer prefix in each interface.
Using the 'difference' filter in Ansible. Not working as expected.
https://www.reddit.com › comments
The result will be an empty list. Does anyone have any clever ways find the difference of the two lists in the second example?
How to filter, join, map and reduce lists in Ansible with ...
www.tailored.cloud › devops › how-to-filter-and-map
Dec 31, 2017 · TL;DR use “select” filter to filter a list and “match” to combine it with reg exps, like: 1 " { { ansible_interfaces | select... use “map” to map list elements, like: 1 " { { ansible_interfaces | map ('upper') | list }}" use just “+” operator to combine two lists into one, like: 1 " { { ...
Compare 2 lists case-insensitively : ansible
www.reddit.com › r › ansible
Aug 17, 2020 · ansible_connection=ssh ansible_port=49188 ansible_ssh_user=ms ansible_ssh_pass=pass*12 Currently its only running the playbook on 49188 ssh port skipping 49194 with all option. 8
List comparison and list manipulation in Ansible « IT Dribble
https://www.cammckenzie.com › li...
List manipulation being one of those. In this example I have two directories that I want to compare, directory one (/tmp/1) and directory ...
Ansible: Add two lists, then filter with third list - /dev/blog/ID10T
https://adminswerk.de › ansible-list...
... 6] tasks: - debug: msg: "{{ base_list | union(add_list) | difference(exclude_list) }}". Output: $ ansible-playbook list_add_subtract.yml ...
ansible.utils.fact_diff – Find the difference between ...
21.12.2021 · To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list. To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils. To use it in a playbook, specify: ansible.utils.fact_diff. New in version 1.0.0: of ansible.utils. ... Each entry in each list will be cast to a string for the comparison.
Ansible Best Practices: Part 2 - Polar Squad
https://polarsquad.com › blog › an...
In the future, you will still need to find things in your stack of Ansible playbooks, roles, inventories and variable files, so the simpler it ...
Data manipulation — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › ansible › latest
Data manipulation . In many cases, you need to do some complex operation with your variables, while Ansible is not recommended as a data processing/manipulation tool, you can use the existing Jinja2 templating in conjunction with the many added Ansible filters, lookups and tests to do some very complex transformations.
Ansible Map Examples - Filter List and Dictionaries ...
01.01.2022 · Ansible Map Examples – Filter List and Dictionaries | Devops Junction. In this article, we are going to see the various use cases of Ansible Map Function or Filter. As Ansible Official documentation claims, All Jinja2 Filters can be used within Ansible. It helps us to filter and iterate complex datasets and a list of objects.
Tests — Ansible Documentation
21.12.2021 · Tests can also be used in list processing filters, like map () and select () to choose items in the list. Like all templating, tests always execute on the Ansible controller, not on the target of a task, as they test local data. In addition to those Jinja2 tests, Ansible supplies a few more and users can easily create their own.
ansible - How to combine two lists? - Server Fault
17.11.2015 · I have a task which uses with_subelements but it's terrible slow for big list (especially that most of the elements has duplicates and I don't need to run it multiple times for them).. So I'm looking for a way to optimize it somehow. I wish to get all unique elements from that list - let say settings in the example below:. inventory:
Ansible - matching a string to an item in a list - Unix ...
05.05.2021 · I'm trying to iterate over a list in Ansible and search for a string in each item in it, and then assigning the matched item to a variable. To be more specific, I'm pulling all MAC addresses on each node into a list and looking for a specific manufacturer prefix in each interface.
yaml - How to compare lists in Ansible? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 65341614
I have created 2 lists in Ansible: {{actual_event_list}} task1 task2 task3 task4 task5 {{expected_event_list}} completed completed completed completed completed I want to compare both lists in a way that if "task1" == "completed" then it's a success, else it should fail.
Compare two unordered lists of dictionaries : ansible
Compare two unordered lists of dictionaries. So, I've come up a cropper. I need to generate a patch report. Problem is that I have two unordered lists of dictionaries from two separate yum outputs. package_updates: package_updates: - name: package_1 version: 1.12.2 - name: package_2 version: 1.22.1 - name: package_3 version: 5.5.5.
ansible - example of using difference filter - Discover gists ...
https://gist.github.com › halberom
TASK: [debug msg="diff list is {{ item.options.split(',') | difference(['noatime','nobootwait']) }}"] ***. ok: [localhost] => (item={'device': 'foo', ...
How to filter, join, map and reduce lists in Ansible with ...
31.12.2017 · Let’s now see how to perform them in Ansible 2.4. Our example – list all network interfaces. As our example list we want to transform in ansible, let’s use a list of local network interfaces that Ansible discovers during setup and stores in “ansible_interfaces” list. A simple play that just fetches and prints the list can look like ...
how to compare lists whose elements are regular expressions ...
https://groups.google.com › ansibl...
to Ansible Project. Hi Team. I wish to compare two lists, one list has regex expression and the second has ordinary data and return a match. Please help.
ansible.utils.fact_diff – Find the difference between currently ...
https://docs.ansible.com › utils › fa...
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list . To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.utils . To ...
Compare 2 lists case-insensitively : ansible
ansible = 2.9.14 python version = 3.8.5. Hello, I have a problem with a one of my playbooks, that is randomly fails: I usually get an unreachable machine (it's not unreachable, I monitor the availability, it's all green) I also have "rc": -13 Both of those errors can occures on every tasks inside the playbook and every hosts (~30 different hosts).
Tests — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › ansible › latest
Dec 21, 2021 · Tests can also be used in list processing filters, like map () and select () to choose items in the list. Like all templating, tests always execute on the Ansible controller, not on the target of a task, as they test local data. In addition to those Jinja2 tests, Ansible supplies a few more and users can easily create their own.
Using subelements in Ansible to loop through multiple lists.
03.11.2018 · While working on my Ansible Galaxy users role I came across a situation where I needed to loop through a list inside a dictionary inside a list. For this specific case I had a list of users, and each user could have multiple authorized sshkeys stored in a “pubkeys” value.
Ansible - check for a list of items - Server Fault
https://serverfault.com › questions
So now I want to compare whether the expected names from the list variable are contained. I guess the concise format does not matter, does it? – ...
yaml - How to compare lists in Ansible? - Stack Overflow
I have created 2 lists in Ansible: {{actual_event_list}} task1 task2 task3 task4 task5 {{expected_event_list}} completed completed completed completed completed I want to compare both lists in a way that if "task1" == "completed" then it's a success, else it should fail.