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ansible smart inventory variables

Ansible Series: The inventory file - variables, aliases ...
30.09.2017 · In the previous post on inventory file, we saw that inventory file is central location that stores information about the remote hosts. It’s not necessary that we would always want to deal with remote hosts. Ansible can also work on the control system (localhost). $ cat /etc/ansible/hosts localhost [servers] And let’s try the ping module: …
17. Inventories — Automation Controller User Guide v4.1.0
17. Inventories¶. An Inventory is a collection of hosts against which jobs may be launched, the same as an Ansible inventory file. Inventories are divided into groups and these groups contain the actual hosts. Groups may be sourced manually, by entering host names into the automation controller, or from one of its supported cloud providers.
How Do I Use Host Variables for Smart Inventory Filters in ...
https://access.redhat.com › solutions
Need the ability to filter inventory hosts in Ansible Tower using host variables. Environment. Ansible Tower >= 3.2 ...
Using Variables — Ansible Documentation
Using Variables. Ansible uses variables to manage differences between systems. With Ansible, you can execute tasks and playbooks on multiple different systems with a single command. To represent the variations among those different systems, you can create variables with standard YAML syntax, including lists and dictionaries.
Ansible: How to encrypt some variables in an inventory ...
12.05.2015 · Since Ansible 2.3 you can encrypt a Single Encrypted Variable.IMO, a walkthrough is needed as the doco's seem pretty terse. Given an example of: mysql_password: password123 (within main.yml) Run a command such as: ansible-vault encrypt_string password123 - …
Dynamic Host Inventories in AWS on Ansible AWX/Tower
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In my last post we discussed what Ansible AWX/Tower is and how ... We want a regular “Inventory”, and not a “smart inventory” which is ...
15. Inventories — Ansible Tower User Guide v3.8.5
A Smart Inventory is a collection of hosts defined by a stored search that can be viewed like a standard inventory and made to be easily used with job runs. Organization administrators have admin permission to inventories in their organization and can create Smart Inventories. A Smart Inventory is identified by KIND=smart.
How to use different Ansible variables with examples ...
03.12.2021 · Defining variables in inventory. There are two types of variables which you can define in an inventory i.e. host variables and group variables. Let us understand about each of them individually: Host variables. We will use our default inventory from /etc/ansible/hosts which has below entries. server1 server2 server3
15. Inventories — Ansible Tower User Guide v3.8.5
docs.ansible.com › ansible-tower › latest
The administrator of a Smart Inventory has permission to edit fields such as the name, description, variables, and the ability to delete, but does not have the permission to modify the host_filter, because that will affect which hosts (that have a primary membership inside another inventory) are included in the smart inventory.
How to build your inventory — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › user_guide › intro_inventory
Dec 21, 2021 · Group variables are a convenient way to apply variables to multiple hosts at once. Before executing, however, Ansible always flattens variables, including inventory variables, to the host level. If a host is a member of multiple groups, Ansible reads variable values from all of those groups.
How to build your inventory — Ansible Documentation
21.12.2021 · Ansible loads host and group variable files by searching paths relative to the inventory file or the playbook file. If your inventory file at /etc/ansible/hosts contains a host named ‘foosball’ that belongs to two groups, ‘raleigh’ and ‘webservers’, that host will use variables in YAML files at the following locations:
Trying to get a ansible tower job to run on survey-variable ...
https://stackoverflow.com › trying-...
Ansible Inventory. [kanto-pkmn] a b [unova-pkmn] e f [johto-pkmn] c d [kantounova:children] kanto-pkmn unova-pkmn. Run aginst ansible ...
Using Variables — Ansible Documentation
docs.ansible.com › playbooks_variables
Ansible merges different variables set in inventory so that more specific settings override more generic settings. For example, ansible_ssh_user specified as a group_var is overridden by ansible_user specified as a host_var. For details about the precedence of variables set in inventory, see How variables are merged. Footnotes. 1
15. Inventories — Ansible Tower User Guide v3.8.5
https://docs.ansible.com › html › in...
A Smart Inventory is a collection of hosts defined by a stored search that can be viewed like a standard inventory and made to be easily used with job runs.
17. Inventories — Automation Controller User Guide v4.1.0
docs.ansible.com › automation-controller › latest
The administrator of a Smart Inventory has permission to edit fields such as the name, description, variables, and the ability to delete, but does not have the permission to modify the host_filter, because that will affect which hosts (that have a primary membership inside another inventory) are included in the smart inventory.
Smart Inventory - Searching on host variables. · Issue ...
05.10.2017 · In the Smart Inventory, the "Key" button says to use "facts" not "ansible_facts" to access Facts. That should be updated. Variables can already be accessed, but only as the entire json. A primary use case, when using Open Stack, is the following: Create a Dynamic Inventory of All Hosts, named "All Hosts"
Referencing Ansible group variables to inventory - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 70686338
1 day ago · Referencing Ansible group variables to inventory. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I have a problem with ansible so let me explain it in more detail. I have an inventory file inv.yml with a list of some hosts which looks like this: --- all: hosts: csr1: ansible_host: os: ios csr2: etc... . I have a folder "group ...
Ansible tower and smart inventory help - Reddit
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Now I want the user to input variables (say he enters kanto and unova) then the script is only supposed to run on those hosts. However the catch ...
Ansible Tower Advanced Smart Inventory Usage
22.09.2018 · Smart Inventory is a feature that was added to Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2. The feature allows you to generate a new Inventory that is made of up hosts existing in other Inventory in Ansible Tower. This inventory is always-up-to-date …
Advanced Inventories - :: Ansible Labs for AnsibleFest
https://goetzrieger.github.io › 9-ad...
A Smart Inventory is a collection of hosts defined by a stored search. Search criteria can be host attributes (like groups) or facts (such as installed software ...
Ansible Tower Advanced Smart Inventory Usage
www.ansible.com › blog › ansible-tower-advanced
Sep 22, 2018 · Smart Inventory is a feature that was added to Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2. The feature allows you to generate a new Inventory that is made of up hosts existing in other Inventory in Ansible Tower. This inventory is always-up-to-date and is populated using what we call a host filter.
Advanced Inventories :: Ansible Labs for AnsibleFest
In Ansible and Ansible Tower, as you know, everything starts with an inventory. There are a several methods how inventories can be created, starting from simple static definitions over importing inventory files to dynamic and smart inventories. In real life it’s very common to deal with external dynamic inventory sources (think cloud…).
Smart Inventory - Searching on host variables. · Issue #371
https://github.com › awx › issues
GIN index on 100,000 records w/ 2-4 KB average JSON size (typical ansible gather_facts payload). Hosts, Table Size, Index Size. 100,000, 10 MB ...