Supported Inventory Plugin Templates. Configuring inventory plugins in Ansible Tower 3.8 is different from previous versions. On upgrade, existing configurations will be migrated to the new format that will produce a backwards compatible inventory output. Use the templates below to help aid in migrating your inventories to the new style ...
Inventory plugins allow users to point at data sources to compile the inventory of hosts that Ansible uses to target tasks, either using the -i /path/to/file and/or -i 'host1, host2' command line parameters or from other configuration sources. If necessary, you …
Synopsis ¶. Reads inventories from Ansible Tower. Supports reading configuration from both YAML config file and environment variables. If reading from the YAML file, the file name must end with tower.(yml|yaml) or tower_inventory.(yml|yaml), the path in the command would be /path/to/tower_inventory.(yml|yaml).
Inventory Plugins¶ Inventory updates have changed from using deprecated inventory scripts, to using dynamically-generated YAML files which are parsed by their respective inventory plugin. In Ansible Tower 3.8, users can provide the new style inventory plugin config directly to Tower via the inventory source source_vars for all the following ...
04.08.2020 · Their Ansible Inventory plugin can be used to query the ServiceNow CMDB and is delivered as part of the servicenow.servicenow collection available on galaxy. Git Repository . To use an inventory plugin from a Collection in Ansible Tower, we need to source it from a Project.