Within the Ansible Tower/AWX gui I have created an inventory with a source to poll my VMWare vCenter instance for hosts. The documentation I referenced does not include examples that filter hosts. I am trying to only import CentOS or RHEL systems from VMware into Tower/AWX. I have tried this string and it does not filter the correct hosts.
03.11.2019 · Unable to filter inventory by tag using plugin or script for VMWare version 6.7, Ansible Tower version 3.5.3, Ansible Engine 2.8. Currently with other cloud offerings you can filter inventory based on tags. Currently this is not possible with the latest version of engine, tower, coupled with VMWare version 6.7.
21.12.2021 · To use this VMware dynamic inventory plugin, you need to enable it first by specifying the following in the ansible.cfg file: [inventory] enable_plugins = vmware_vm_inventory Then, create a file that ends in .vmware.yml or .vmware.yaml in your working directory.
21.12.2021 · VMware inventory plugin allows you to filter VMware guests using the filters configuration parameter. This section shows how you configure filters for the given VMware guest in the inventory. Requirements To use the VMware dynamic inventory plugins, you must install pyVmomi on your control node (the host running Ansible).
26.06.2017 · However, my Vsphere cluster has many hosts running on it which I do not with to have included in the inventory, or manage with Ansible. In the vmware_inventory.ini configuration I see the following line: #host_filters={{ guest.gueststate == "running" }} Which looks like it would be useful for filtering only the guests I wish to manage.
VMware inventory plugin allows you to filter VMware guests using the filters configuration parameter. This section shows how you configure filters for the ...
Within the Ansible Tower/AWX gui I have created an inventory with a source to poll my VMWare vCenter instance for hosts. The documentation I referenced does not include examples that filter hosts. I am trying to only import CentOS or RHEL systems from VMware into Tower/AWX. I have tried this string and it does not filter the correct hosts.
09.08.2018 · SUMMARY The vmware_dynamic inventory is detecting a single Windows VM which does not match any of the host filters. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME vmware_inventory.py vmware_inventory.ini ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2.6.2 config file =...
Ansible Tower Newly created configurations for inventory sources will contain the default plugin configuration values. If you want your newly created inventory sources in 3.8 to match the output of a 3.7 source, you must apply a specific set of configuration values for that source.
I have not been able to make the vmware source filter out all but the ... .com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/inventories.html#vmware-vcenter and spent ...
Dec 21, 2021 · To use this VMware dynamic inventory plugin, you need to enable it first by specifying the following in the ansible.cfg file: [inventory] enable_plugins = vmware_vm_inventory. Then, create a file that ends in .vmware.yml or .vmware.yaml in your working directory. The vmware_vm_inventory script takes in the same authentication information as any ...
Dec 21, 2021 · VMware inventory plugin allows you to filter VMware guests using the filters configuration parameter. This section shows how you configure filters for the given VMware guest in the inventory. Requirements To use the VMware dynamic inventory plugins, you must install pyVmomi on your control node (the host running Ansible).
15. Inventories¶. An Inventory is a collection of hosts against which jobs may be launched, the same as an Ansible inventory file. Inventories are divided into groups and these groups contain the actual hosts. Groups may be sourced manually, by entering host names into Tower, or from one of Ansible Tower’s supported cloud providers.
19.11.2020 · Filter all the hosts that have a tag "owner" filtered. Then filter in all the hosts that have tag "owner" with value "testing_ansible". Here is what I tried to do: exclude_host_filters: - if tags.owner is defined - tags.owner != 'testing_ansible' I also tried other filters but it didn't work. Documents requires jinja2 format.
How Can I Filter VMWare Inventory in Ansible Tower with Source Variables? Solution Verified - Updated 2021-05-05T16:21:51+00:00 - English . No translations currently exist. Issue. Filtering groups/hosts for VMWare dynamic inventory in Tower …
Uses any file which ends with vmware.yml, vmware.yaml, vmware_vm_inventory.yml, or vmware_vm_inventory.yaml as a YAML configuration file. Requirements The below requirements are needed on the local controller node that executes this inventory.