08.02.2014 · I'm new to Arch, but have been browsing the forums for over a year. Anyway, I tried installing on my brand-new Asus UX31A, and am unable to boot. I followed the beginners' guide for an Arch-only UEFI installation using GRUB with 3 partitions: EFI, root, and home.
30.10.2016 · I've got a new laptop with a Samsung BIOS (version P08AFD) and Aptio Setup Utility. When I try to boot a USB stick with Arch Linux 2016.10.01 it says that the signature is invalid. The documentation seems to assume that I've already booted into Arch Linux. So …
06.09.2019 · The “ Secure boot violation – invalid signature detected ” is an error which appears during the initial boot of the system. You can tab the Enter key in order to proceed with the boot but the error will still appear during every startup. Secure Boot …
After three instalations I finally decide to disable Secure Boot from BIOS in order to avoid the violation security message. What I've done wrong, I follow the wiki step by step but can't boot any bootloader with UEFI activated.
Secure Boot support was initially added in archlinux-2013.07.01-dual.iso and later removed in archlinux-2016.06.01-dual.iso. At that time prebootloader was replaced with efitools, even though the latter uses unsigned EFI binaries. There has been no support for Secure Boot in the official installation medium ever since. Disabling Secure Boot
arch linux secure boot violation If this option is used together with the ... *PATCH v3 00/14] x86: Trenchboot secure dynamic launch Linux kernel support ...