GPGPU - ArchWiki - Arch Linux › title › GPGPUcuda_memtest AUR – a GPU memtest. Despite its name, is supports both CUDA and OpenCL. darktable – OpenCL feature requires at least 1 GB RAM on GPU and Image support (check output of clinfo command). DaVinci Resolve - a non-linear video editor. Can use both OpenCL and CUDA. imagemagick
AUR (en) - gpu-viewer · If you are using an other distro than Arch, please don't update gpu-viewer until your distro has the mesa-utils package. madmalkav commented on 2021-12-09 12:57 I have the same problem, seems the utils where removed from mesa-demos in 8.4.0-6 and my system have 8.4.0-4 and don't see the mesa-utils package and the 8.4.0-6 mesa-demos update yet, perhaps …
GPGPU - ArchWiki - Arch Linux Runtime. To execute programs that use OpenCL, a compatible hardware runtime needs to be installed.. AMD/ATI. opencl-mesa: free runtime for AMDGPU and Radeon; opencl-amd AUR: proprietary standalone runtime for AMDGPU and AMDGPU PRO; rocm-opencl-runtime AUR: Part of AMD's ROCm GPU compute stack, officially supporting GFX8 and later cards (Fiji, Polaris, …
NVIDIA - ArchWiki - Arch Linux › title › NVIDIA2. Determine the necessary driver version for your card by: Finding the code name (e.g. NV50, NVC0, etc.) on Nouveau wiki's code names page or [1]. Looking up the name in NVIDIA's legacy card list: if your card is not there you can use the latest driver. Visiting NVIDIA's driver download site.
NVIDIA - ArchWiki - Arch Linux$ nvidia-xconfig --sli=Mosaic --metamodes="GPU-0.DFP-0: 1920x1024+0+0, GPU-0.DFP-1: 1920x1024+1920+0, GPU-1.DFP-0: 1920x1024+0+1024, GPU-1.DFP-1: 1920x1024+1920+1024" Wayland. See Wayland#Requirements for more information. For further configuration options, take a look at the wiki pages or documentation of the respective compositor.
External GPU - ArchWiki - Arch Linux › title › External_GPUFrom ArchWiki. Jump to navigation Jump to search. On computers equipped with Thunderbolt 3+, it is possible to attach a desktop-grade external graphics card (eGPU) using a GPU enclosure. is a good resource with buyer's guide and a community forum. While some manual configuration (shown below) is needed for most modes of operation, Linux ...