Adjectifs possessifs-French French > French lessons and exercises > French test #32390 > Other French exercises on the same topic: Genitive [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Possessive adjectives - FLE-Singular possessive adjectives - Adjectifs possessifs-niv CM2 - Pronoms possessifs - Adjectif possessif - Adjectifs possessifs - Les Pronoms possessifs ( 1 ) : le mien / la mienne, etc. - FLE-Pronoms …
Adjective Types. How to use Adjectif possessif in French › glossaryFrench possessive adjective · my = mon, ma, mes · your = ton, ta, tes · his = son, sa, ses · her = son, sa, ses · its = son, sa, ses.
French Possessives Adjectives Come in Many, Many Forms · This difference between English and French possessive adjectives can be particularly confusing when using him, her, or it. Son, sa, and ses can each mean his, her, or its, depending on the context.For example, son lit can mean "his bed," "her bed," or "its bed" (for example, the dog's).If you need to stress the gender of the person the item belongs to, you can …
Adjectifs possessifs-French › cgi2 › myexamLearn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #32390 > Other French exercises on the same topic: Genitive [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Possessive adjectives - FLE-Singular possessive adjectives - Adjectifs possessifs-niv CM2 - Pronoms possessifs - Adjectif possessif - Adjectifs possessifs - Les Pronoms possessifs ( 1 ) : le ...
The possessive in French - About France can be expressed in French, as in English, in a number of different ways. Like English-speakers, the French use possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives and prepositions designating possession or attribution. The biggest difference is that there is no French equivalent of the apostrophe s structure that is very common in English.